

Schlagwort: ‘E-Commerce Platform’

Online drug selling is being supervised

November 23rd, 2019 | by

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the “Negative List of Market access (2019 version),” which proposed that drug production and trading companies are not allowed to sell prescription drugs directly to the public through mail or internet trade.


来源:制药网 2019.11.23


“Prescription Sharing” supported

September 30th, 2019 | by

On September 29th, 21 commission and administrations, including the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Healthcare Security Administration, the National Health Commission, the National Medical Product Administration, jointly issued the “Guideline of Promoting a High-quality Development of the Health Industry (2019-2022).” The “Guideline” stipulated that channels for the interconnection and real-time sharing of information on drug consumption and on prescriptions of online diagnosis and treatment should be established nationwide. In the meantime, third-party platforms are suggested to deliver online prescribed drugs to encourage Medical e-commerces to offer “ordering online and delivered offline” services.


来源:医药网  2019.09.30


Internet Hospital established by Yifeng Pharmacy

September 22nd, 2019 | by

On September 19th, Yifeng Pharmacy announced a joint venture with Visum Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to establish Hainan Yifeng Medical Technology Co., Ltd., which aims to provide patients with services such as Internet Hospitals, Prescription Sharing Platform, family doctors, health management, online medical consultations, and patient education.


来源:新浪医药新闻 2019.09.22


The National Medical Insurance Bureau issued new regulations

September 2nd, 2019 | by

On August 30th, the National Medical Insurance Bureau issued the “Guidelines of Improving the price management of the ‘Internet+’ Medical Services and the Policies of Medical Insurance Payment.” The “Guidelines” proposed that the price management of the “Internet+” medical services should be included in the policy system of general medical services to realise a unified regulation. The eligible “Internet+” medial services will be regulated under proper medical insurance payment policies in accordance with the principle of online and offline consistency, and its management of medical insurance agreement(Every citizen contracts with a specific hospital) and the settlement process should be improved.


来源:医药网 2019.09.02


The revised “Pharmaceutical Administration Law” allows the online selling of prescription drugs

August 27th, 2019 | by

On August 26th, the revised “Pharmaceutical Administration Law” was approved by the Twelfth Session of the Thirteenth Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and will come into effect on December 1st, 2019. The “Pharmaceutical Administration Law” proposed that the Marketing Authorisation Holders and pharmaceutical companies can sell drugs online on the premise of complying with relevant provisions. Vaccines, narcotic drugs, and other drugs under special control are not included.


来源:医药网 2019.08.27

8月26日, 新修订版《药品管理法》经十三届全国人大常委会第十二次会议表决通过,并将自2019年12月1日起施行。法案提出,药品上市许可持有人、药品经营企业可在遵守法案关于药品经营的有关规定的前提下通过网络销售药品。疫苗、麻醉药品等国家实行特殊管理的药品不得在网络上销售。

Guangzhou: a implementation opinion on promoting the application of health and medical big data is released

January 4th, 2019 | by

Recently, the Guangzhou General Office of the People’s Government published “The Implementation Opinion on promoting the Application of Health and Medical Big Data”. The “Opinion” proposed to improve the medical data collection mechanisms and establish a catalog of health and medical data resources in the city to realize the sharing of data resources across departments and regions. It stipulates to develop the application of health and medical big data in order to provide a whole process of online medical services for citizens. A unified drug prescription circulation platform should be established so as to realize information interconnection between hospitals, pharmacies, and delivery companies.


来源:医药网 2019.01.04


Fujian encourages the implementation of electronic first transaction information of drugs

October 12th, 2018 | by

On October 10th, Fujian Food and Drug Administration published “Notification on encouraging drug production and management enterprises to implement electronic first transaction information of drugs”. The “Notification” indicates that pharmaceutical enterprises and medical institutes are encouraged to use the Internet to establish a drug traceability system and an electronic exchange platform for the first transaction information. The “Notification” also stipulates that the platform should comply with the relevant national laws and regulations, and undertake the corresponding legal responsibility.


来源:中国医药报 2018.10.12


The upper limit of patients serviced by a contracted family doctor is 2000

October 10th, 2018 | by

On October 8th, the official website of the National State Council officially issued the “Guiding Opinions on Standardising the Management of Contracted Family Doctor Services”. The “Guiding Opinion” clarifies that the number of patients serviced by a contracted family doctor should not exceed 2000. The “Guiding Opinion” indicates that the service charge should be properly accounted for and allocated and fundraising channels to support family doctors should be broadened. The “Guiding Opinion” stipulated that while promoting the service of “Internet+Contracted Family Doctor”, the management and assessment of contracting service should be strengthened.


来源:医药网 2018.10.10


Pharmacist Sharing is coming!

May 4th, 2018 | by

On 7th March, Ali Health announced their new product  “Pharmacist Sharing”, which offers the online “Pharmacist Sharing” consulting service to pharmacies for free. The shop assistant in offline pharmacies may consult the online licensed pharmacists to help customers at offline pharmacies in time. As known, the service team is built by Ali. There are around 3000 licensed pharmacists working every day from 8:30 to 24:00 for the online consulting. (Source:


来源:中国制药网 2018-03-08

核心提示:3月7日,阿里健康宣布推出“共享药师”产品, 免费面向社会药店店主提供第三方的开放平台的“共享药师”在线咨询服务。线下药店的店员可以咨询在线执业药师,从而帮助线下门店顾客及时解决用药咨询。据了解,该药师服务团队为阿里健康自建,约有3000名执业药师,每天从8:30到24:00服务在线咨询顾客。

New method for supervision and management of drug online sale – supervision for online sale should be in accordance with offline sales

May 4th, 2018 | by

On 9th February, the CFDA published the supervision and management method of drug online sale and asked for opinions. The method shows that drug online sales have developed very quickly. However, the supervision laws and regulations are relatively legging behind, so that there are new problems in the supervision link. The CFDA published this method to improve the supervision and ask for opinions. It is required in the method that drug online sales should be in accordance with offline sales; responsibilities should be clarified; based on internet technology of the third-party platform, using internet to supervise internet; “ordering online and delivered offline” is encouraged. (Source: VCBEAT)

总局发布药品网络销售监督管理办法 明确线上线下一致监管原则

来源:动脉网 2018-02-11
