

Schlagwort: ‘Health Reform’

Anhui establishes a Drug Quality and Security Traceability System for pharmaceutical enterprises

August 3rd, 2018 | by

Recently, the Anhui Food and Drug Administration issued the “Guiding Opinions on the Construction of Drug Quality and Safety Traceability System for Pharmaceutical Enterprises in Anhui Province.” The “Guiding Opinions” clarify that pharmaceutical enterprises all over the province should establish a drug traceability system in accordance with laws and regulations. The traced information content of all links of the drug business should be true, accurate and complete, and should be saved at least for five years. For those who have not yet established a traceability system and for those traceability systems who do not operate effectively, especially when included incorrect information or incomplete information, it will be seriously investigated and dealt with following relevant laws and regulations.


来源:中国医药报 2018.08.03


Anhui: The 2018 version of the medical insurance catalog is released

May 29th, 2018 | by

Recently,  Anhui Human Resources and Social Security issued the “Medicine Catalogue of Basic Medical Insurance, Work Injury Insurance, and Maternity Insurance in Anhui Province(2018 version)”, which will be implemented from July, 1st, 2018. The catalog includes 1481 western medicines and 1356 Chinese patent medicines. Anhui Human Resources and Social Security indicates that Anhui Province will use the unified “Drug Catalog” database. The drugs on the catalog will be coded according to the “Social Insurance Drug Classification Code”, which will be confirmed by the provincial medical insurance administrative department.


来源:中国医药报 2018.05.29


National Health Commission was officially founded.

May 4th, 2018 | by

On 27th March, the Health Commission was officially founded, which is directed by Xiaowei Ma. The official name on the website has been changed from “National Health and Family Planning Commission” to “National Health Commission”. (Source: The Beijing News)


来源:新京报 2018-03-27


Health insurance: payment on the basis of sickness categories

May 4th, 2018 | by

Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security published the recommended sickness catalog for the payment of health insurance on the basis of sickness categories. 130 kinds of sicknesses are included in the catalog. As requested, at least 100 sicknesses should be confirmed for the new payment method from place to place. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security also emphasized that unreasonable medical payment increases should be controlled to make sure the personal expenditure will not increase. (Source: Beijing Youth Daily)


来源:北京青年报 2018-02-28

核心提示: 人社部近日公布了医疗保险按病种付费病种推荐目录,130种疾病被列入目录。按照要求,各地应确定不少于100个病种开展按病种付费。人社部强调,控制不合理医疗费用增长,确保群众个人费用负担不增加。


New method for supervision and management of drug online sale – supervision for online sale should be in accordance with offline sales

May 4th, 2018 | by

On 9th February, the CFDA published the supervision and management method of drug online sale and asked for opinions. The method shows that drug online sales have developed very quickly. However, the supervision laws and regulations are relatively legging behind, so that there are new problems in the supervision link. The CFDA published this method to improve the supervision and ask for opinions. It is required in the method that drug online sales should be in accordance with offline sales; responsibilities should be clarified; based on internet technology of the third-party platform, using internet to supervise internet; “ordering online and delivered offline” is encouraged. (Source: VCBEAT)

总局发布药品网络销售监督管理办法 明确线上线下一致监管原则

来源:动脉网 2018-02-11


All public hospitals cancel drug markup

May 4th, 2018 | by

The news from the Health and Family Planning Commission and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security shows that until the end of September 2017, all national public hospitals cancelled the drug markup. So far, the hierarchical medication system is fundamentally founded. Medical resources are distributed based on population. 80% of the people can reach the closest medication station within 15 mins. The service of family doctor already covers 430 million people. (Source: People’s Daily)


来源:人民日报 2017-12-11


Jiangxi: electronic patient record may be shared within hospitals

May 4th, 2018 | by

In July 2017, the Jiangxi province published the development plan of health information for the 13th Five Year. The plan clearly highlighted the big data industry for healthcare. Until 2020, a health information platform should be created at the level of provinces, cities and countries; databases of population information, electronic health documents and patient records within the province should be created, so that the health big data center for Jiangxi can be built. (Source: Jiangnan City News)


来源:江南都市报 2017-07-27


The reformation of the State Council institutions: repealing CFDA and establishing the Drug Administration

March 21st, 2018 | by

The reformation scheme of the State Council institutions was published on 13.03.2018. It was mentioned in the scheme that the National Market Supervision Administration will be established as a subordinate institution of the State Council. Furthermore, concerning the particularity of drug supervision, the National Drug Supervision Administration will be independently established, which will be directed by the National Market Supervision Administration. The market supervision will be directed hierarchically. The drug supervision institutions will be set only to the provincial level. The supervision of drug distribution and drug sales will be operated by the supervision administrations at the city and country level. The CFDA will not be kept in the reformation. (Source:

国务院机构改革: 撤销食药监总局、单设药监局

来源:人民网 2018-03-14


One month after new policies of health reform in Beijing

November 7th, 2017 | by

From 8th April, new policies of health reform in Beijing were adopted to separate drugs from supporting hospitals. On 7th May, Beijing Health and Familiy Planning Commission said since the implementation of the reform, the change of medical service fee has met the expectation. The fee for medication and drugs has been noticeably reduced. From the data mining, it can be seen that some ordinary sicknesses are distributed to primary medical institutions. There are less patients in big hospitals, which fulfil the target of leading a hierarchical medication system. (Source: ChinaNews)


来源:中国新闻网   2017-05-08


Separating “drugs” from hospitals will spread to all public hospitals in Beijing

November 7th, 2017 | by

On 8th April, the health reform in Beijing started, which covers more than 3600 public medicine institutions in Beijing. The health reform mainly covers three aspects. Firstly, the sale of all drugs are without mark-up. A medical service fee is set instead. Secondly, the standard of medical service terms will be set to realize adjustments. Thirdly, the “Sunny” group purchase will be organized for drug purchase. (Source: Workers Daily)


来源:工人日报 2017-04-11
