

Schlagwort: ‘Hospital Management’

Shanghai: Complementary Document for procurement of drugs is released(“4+7”)

November 22nd, 2018 | by

On November 22nd, Shanghai Pharmaceutical Centralized Bidding and Purchasing Management Office published “Complementary Document for centralized procurement of drugs in 4 municipalities and 7 other big cities (in Shanghai area)”. The “Complementary Document” stipulates that all medical insurance designated medical institutions should give priority to purchasing and using selected drugs in centralized procurement in 4 municipalities and 7 other big cities and the usage amount should be equivalent to last year. Meanwhile, medical institutions can continue to purchase and use unselected drugs under the premise of ensuring the amount of selected drugs, but the amount should not exceed the selected variety after being converted into proportion.


来源:制药站 2018.11.22


Guangdong: Pharmacists are permitted not only to provide medical advice but also charge for prescription

November 20th, 2018 | by

Recently, Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association issued the “Tentative Standard of Pharmaceutical Outpatient Service”. The “Tentative Standard” proposes that pharmacists can serve patients directly through outpatient service. The “Tentative Standard” stipulates that a fixed consulting room should be set up in the outpatient building and a fixed pharmacist’s treatment time should be set every week. Medical institutions should be equipped with pharmacist workstation if possible in order to maintain patient records. Meanwhile, the “Tentative Standard” shows that it is recommended to grant partial prescription authority to pharmacy outpatient pharmacists, which must be approved and filed by the medical department.


来源:医药网 2018.11.20


Medical insurance: Hospitals will be charged for insufficient medication

August 27th, 2018 | by

Recently, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, the Medical Insurance Office, the Health Planning Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Price Bureau jointly issued “Notification on the Third Batch of medical insurance drug procurement with target quantity in Shanghai”. The “Notification” clarifies that all medical institutions across the city should give priority to purchasing and using the winning drugs of drug procurement with target quantity. Hospitals that are unable to complete normal purchase would be deducted from the medical insurance expenses. The “Notification” also stipulates that any form of “the Secondary negotiation“ is strictly prohibited.


来源:医药网 2018.08.27


The government of Inner Mongolia wants to eliminate the adjuvant drugs in the top 50 list of drugs with the highest purchase amount

July 10th, 2018 | by

On July 8th, the Health Commission of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued the “Notification on Effective Measures to Control the Unreasonable Increase in Medical Expenses” and requested that it should be officially implemented on July 15th, 2019. The “Notification” stipulates that medical expenses should not exceed 30% of total hospital expenses (Anticancer drugs and drugs for treating chronic diseases are not included). At the same time, the top 100 drugs with the highest purchase amount should be monitored, the adjuvant drugs in the top 50 should be eliminated, and expensive drugs should be replaced with drugs with the same generic name and cheaper. Besides, medical institutions should reduce the purchases or discontinue to use the drugs, which are in the top 20 with the highest purchase amount for three consecutive months.


来源:医药网 2018.07.10


Doctors accepting bribes for accumulative total of 5000 RMB will get dismissal

May 4th, 2018 | by

Recently, Anhui Health and the Family Planning Commission published the trial approach of officers at medication institutions that accepted commercial bribes. It is clarified that officers at medication institutions should get punishments, as a dismissal and the withdrawal of their licenses, when they either ask for or accept commercial bribes for an accumulative total of 5000 RMB. Meanwhile during the investigation period, the officers should not be transferred to new working positions. The new approach will come into effect on 1st January, 2018.


来源:赛柏蓝 2018-01-02


All public hospitals cancel drug markup

May 4th, 2018 | by

The news from the Health and Family Planning Commission and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security shows that until the end of September 2017, all national public hospitals cancelled the drug markup. So far, the hierarchical medication system is fundamentally founded. Medical resources are distributed based on population. 80% of the people can reach the closest medication station within 15 mins. The service of family doctor already covers 430 million people. (Source: People’s Daily)


来源:人民日报 2017-12-11


Smart supervision platform for medical treatment goes online – violations will be automatically given an alarm

January 20th, 2018 | by

Health and Family Planning Commission in Hubei has recently launched the smart supervision platform for medical treatment services. When doctors prescribe drugs, the related data will be uploaded to the platform for synchronization. If there is any violation, the platform will give an alarm automatically.  The platform is known to be on trial in provincial-governed hospitals and will be promoted to all hospitals in Hubei Province in 2018. (Source: Chutian City News)

医疗智能监管平台上线 遇违规行为将自动警报

来源:楚天都市报 2017-12-11

核心提示:湖北省卫生计生委近日已启动医疗服务智能监管平台。 医生在开具处方时,相关数据会同步上传到平台。如有违反规则的行为,平台将自动弹出警报提醒。据了解,该平台目前正在部省属医院试用,2018年将在全省各医院推开。

One month after new policies of health reform in Beijing

November 7th, 2017 | by

From 8th April, new policies of health reform in Beijing were adopted to separate drugs from supporting hospitals. On 7th May, Beijing Health and Familiy Planning Commission said since the implementation of the reform, the change of medical service fee has met the expectation. The fee for medication and drugs has been noticeably reduced. From the data mining, it can be seen that some ordinary sicknesses are distributed to primary medical institutions. There are less patients in big hospitals, which fulfil the target of leading a hierarchical medication system. (Source: ChinaNews)


来源:中国新闻网   2017-05-08


Separating “drugs” from hospitals will spread to all public hospitals in Beijing

November 7th, 2017 | by

On 8th April, the health reform in Beijing started, which covers more than 3600 public medicine institutions in Beijing. The health reform mainly covers three aspects. Firstly, the sale of all drugs are without mark-up. A medical service fee is set instead. Secondly, the standard of medical service terms will be set to realize adjustments. Thirdly, the “Sunny” group purchase will be organized for drug purchase. (Source: Workers Daily)


来源:工人日报 2017-04-11


Shenzheng social security cards can be used at 307 hospitals in Guangzhou

March 21st, 2017 | by

Recently, the direct settlement platform for hospitalizing in Guangdong was expanded again. On the 21st February, already 354 medical institutions participate, including 47 hospitals in Shenzheng and 307 hospitals in other regions in Guangdong. All participants of Shenzheng basic health insurance can directly use the social security card for reimbursement when hospitalizing in the province of Guangdong. Then it is not necessary to come back to Shenzhen for the reimbursement. (Source:


来源:人民网 2017-02-28
