

Tianjin: awarding plaques to 112 retail pharmacies for expired drug disposal

April 17th, 2023 | by

The Market Supervision Administration of Jizhou District recently awarded plaques to 112 retail pharmacies in the district that are committed to public welfare, can effectively implement drug quality management standards, and have specialized personnel in charge of expired drug disposal. These pharmacies accept expired drugs at their collection points, where they document, keep, and dispose of them in a centralized manner. After counting them, the Supervision Bureau will dispose of them on a regular basis. At the same time, these pharmacies should encourage customers to clear out their household drug containers regularly in order to avoid expired drugs being returned to the market.

蓟州区市场监管局为 112家“过期药品回收点”药店挂牌

来源:天津市蓟州区人民政府  2023.04.17


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