

Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group: demanding legislative regulation for household expired drugs

March 17th, 2023 | by

During the Two Sessions, Li Chuyuan, the NPC (National People’s Congress) deputy, secretary of the Party Committee, and Chairman of the Board of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group, stated that household expired drugs demand legislative regulation. On March 8th, the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group hosted online and offline activities to recycle expired drugs for free. During the online event, consumers can visit the group’s online shops on Tmall and JD and send their expired drugs to designated places after confirming this with the online shops’ customer service.  After receiving the expired drugs, consumers will receive discount coupons from online shops within three business days. The collected expired drugs will be sent to a specified location and disposed of.

In 2004, the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group created the world’s first “Household Expired Drug Recycling Mechanism,” which provides consumers with free replacement of household expired drugs over a long period of time. Over the last 20 years, the group has formed “No Expired Drug” alliances with numerous pharmacy chains, established recycling points in pharmacies and hospitals, and collaborated with Ali Health and Jingdong to create an online recycling mechanism, with activities spreading to over 200 cities nationwide, forming a nationwide drug recycling network.


2023.03.17  来源:搜狐网



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