

Shanxi: traceability system for selected drugs

May 13th, 2022 | by

Recently, the Shanxi Provincial Drug Administration issued a “Notice on Further Work on the Construction of Traceability Systems for Selected Drugs.” According to the Notice, all pharmaceutical enterprises must establish a sound drug tracability management standard, as well as build their own drug tracing system in accordance with national standards or use a third-party drug tracing platform. When secondary and tertiary medical institutions warehouse selected drugs, they must provide drug information to upstream distributors and cannot warehouse drugs that do not match their tracability information. When there are problems with drug quality and safety, medical institutions should work with drug manufacturers and upstream suppliers to record and provide information for drug recalls.


2022.05.13  来源:国家重要产品追溯体系


Guangdong: Implementing an OTC drug trading reform

March 15th, 2022 | by

On March 15, a pilot project was announced to allow the sale of OTC drugs in convenience stores operated by large trading groups which also own pharmacy retail chains under the titel “Implementation of the Pilot Program of Class-B OTC Drugs Trading Reform in Guangdong Province”. With this plan, Guangdong Province supports efforts to save costs by encouraging large chain convenience store headquarters and drug retail chain enterprises in the same group to integrate with one another. The public can take advantages of the pilot convenience stores’ 24 hour availability by purchasing commonly used OTC drugs. On the same day, Guangzhou and Dongguan cities launched the Drug Business License for large convenience store chains selling OTC drugs as the provinces’s first pilot program.


来源:新浪看点  2022.03.15




Guangzhou: Launching the 2022 “Household Expired Drugs Recycling Campaign”

March 14th, 2022 | by

On March 13, Guangzhou hosted the 2022 “Household Expired Drugs Recycling Campaign.” Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Company Limited and Bank of China Guangzhou Liwan Sub-branch signed a strategic cooperation agreement at the event to investigate the combination of household expired drugs recycling and digital currency promotion. Citizens can give back their expired drugs and packages at special terminals operated by Jianmin Pharmacies in exchange for coupons or digital RMB. In the future, consumers will be able to spend their digital RMB at any of the retail stores.


来源:搜狐网  2022.03.14


Hunan: A System to promote the evaluation of adverse drug reactions and efficacy of hospital-made drugs

March 10th, 2022 | by

Recently, the Hunan Provincial Drug Administration, the Human Health Commission, and the Hunan Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly issued a “Notice on the Launching of a System for Patient-driven Declaration of Adverse Drug Reactions and the Evaluation of the Efficacy of Hospital-made Drugs.” The Notice stated that beginning on May 1, 2022, hospitals and other medical institutions must download a special QR code for hospital-made drugs through that system and print it in in an obvious position on the instructions, labels, or internal and external packaging of the drugs. Patients who use hospital-made drugs can then scan the QR code with WeChat and log in with their real names to the system to report possible adverse drug reactions and efficacy of the medical drugs used.


来源:新浪财经  2022.03.10


Guangxi: A Platform to promote the traceability of drugs

January 26th, 2022 | by

Recently, the market supervision administration of Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province, promoted the development of a drug traceability supervision platform. This plan comprises three steps. First, the Market Supervision Administration should conduct centralized interviews with city chain pharmacies, subordinate retail enterprises, and single pharmacies, and elaborate on the significance and positive impact of joining the drug traceability supervision platform, which is designed to ensure drug safety and quality. The second step is to communicate with the city’s retail pharmacies and encourage them to join the drug traceability supervision platform as soon as possible. Third, the drug traceability supervision platform should be aggressively promoted to the general public, and the general public should be guided to independently check the entire process’s tracing data of drugs in order to give the public a possibility to independently check the quality of drugs along the whole drug distribution chain.


来源:中国质量新闻网  2022.01.26



Hubei issued a plan for the registration and management of licensed pharmacists

January 14th, 2022 | by

On January 7, 2022,, the Hubei Provincial Drug Administration issued the “Plan for the Implementation of Measures for the Registration and Management of Licensed Pharmacists in Hubei Province”. The “Measures” extended the areas in which a licensed pharmacist can work, namely (1) in a drug manufacturing company, (2) in a third-party logistics service provider or a third-party platform for online drug sales, (3) in a third-party prescription review platform. According to the “Implementation Measures,” the pharmacist on duty can provide pharmacy services such as medication consultation, prescription review, and prescription audit, but they do not have authority to sign prescription audits. The “Implementation Measures” also proposed that the registration of licensed pharmacists should increasingly be done electronically throughout the whole province. The measures also propose to start a pilot project in the China Hubei Free Trade Pilot Zone to study the development of a card-based system to manage pharmacists’ licences and also to share information on the (social) credit status.

湖北引发执业药师注册管理实施办法 远程审方多点执业纳入管理范围

来源:湖北省药品监督管理局  2022.01.14


Shandong: Using medical insurance to purchase drugs online

December 29th, 2021 | by

Recently, the first batch of designated pharmacy branches in Shandong began offering “Buying Drugs Through Medical Insurance” service in Alipay. An insured person can use Alipay to search for “Buying Drugs Through Medical Insurance,” select drugs or pharmacy branches marked “Available to Reimbursement,” and then pay for their drugs online using their medical insurance. will deliver drugs in a short period of time following a successful payment.


来源:大众日报  2021.12.29


Henan: involving pharmacy branches in province-wide Centralized Drug Procurement

December 13th, 2021 | by

Recently, the Medical Insurance Bureau of Henan issued the “Notice on Involving Qualified Pharmacy Branches in Centralized Drug Procurement at the Province-Level (Pilot Project).” The “Notice” clarified that qualified pharmacy branches can apply to participate in Centralized Drug Procurement. The “Notice” stipulated that pharmacy branches must provide customers with information about both the bidding price and the sale price of the selected drugs, as well as trace the entire life-cycle of those drugs. If this pilot project is successful, Henan province intends to have all designated retailed pharmacies participate in the province-wide Centralized Drug Procurement process.


来源:医药网  2021.12.13


Beijing: regulating sales of drugs online during Double 11

November 8th, 2021 | by

On October 28th, Beijing Municipal Administration for Market Regulation and other departments jointly convened an administrative conference on regulating online promotion events during Double 11. During the conference, large E-Commerce platforms were asked to ensure that their users register their real names when purchasing four types of drugs related to treatment of Covid-19, as well as to improve the regulation of selling specific medication (including vaccines) and prescription drugs. At the same time, platforms were also asked to establish a sound product quality inspection and monitoring system, constrain excessive price adjustment of goods, maintain a fair competition environment, and regulate promotional behavior.

“双十一”在即 北京要求规范网络售药

来源:北京市药品监督管理局  2021.11.08


Heze, Shandong: Promoting the recycling of household drug waste

October 29th, 2021 | by

On Oct 27th, Heze implemented a public education program on the recycling of household drug waste. The measure aims to/is intended to raise public awareness about drug safety, address the harm caused by drug waste, educate the public about safe drug use and household drug waste recycling, and arouse public interest in recycling household drug waste on their own initiative. Household drug waste recycling, safe drug use consultation, reporting complaints, and other services were set up at the activity site. Other 50 designated pharmacies promoted the recycling of household drug waste during the program.


来源:搜狐网  2021.10.29
