

Schlagwort: ‘Consolidation’

NHSA: promoting provincial joint drug procurement

May 20th, 2024 | by

On May 20th, the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA) released the “Notification on Strengthening Regional Collaboration and Expanding the Quality and Variety of Centrally Procured Drugs.” The “Notification” stated that qualified provincial drug procurement centers should lead other provinces in purchasing certain medications to realize provincial joint procurement. Drugs included in the provincial joint procurement list and the national centralized procurement list should complement each other: drugs included in the national centralized procurement list should mainly be approved generic drugs, whereas drugs included in the provincial joint procurement list should be in addition to those included in the national procurement list, with a high volume of procurement and a high demand by residents, and the provincial joint procurement list should be expanded continuously.


来源:中华人民共和国中央人民政府  2024.05.20

5月20日,国家医保局发布《关于加强区域协同,做好2024年医药集中采购提质扩面的通知》。《通知》提出,将条件具备的省级联盟采购提升为全国性联盟采购。在集采品种选择上加强统筹协调,做到地方和国家互为补充:国家组织集采重点针对通过一致性评价的药品;全国联采重点覆盖国家组织集采以外品种,以及采购金额大、覆盖人群广的“大品种”, 持续扩大集采覆盖面。

National Health Commission: four measures for chronic disease management

December 6th, 2023 | by

On December 5, the National Health Commission held a conference to discuss deepening the implementation of primary healthcare services for the benefit of residents. The key initiatives for promoting chronic disease management are as follows: To begin, promote long-term prescription services for hypertension and diabetic patients in community and township health facilities, while progressively including other chronic diseases. Second, organize the compilation of the “National Guidelines for Prevention and Management of Hypertension” and “National Guidelines for Prevention and Management of Diabetes,” which guide primary healthcare institutions across the country in providing good health management services to patients with chronic diseases. Third, encourage contractual family doctors to treat patients, to assist them in preventing chronic diseases, and to provide multi-disease co-management services to patients with multiple chronic diseases. Fourth, boosting work-sharing and bidirectional referrals between primary healthcare institutions and higher-level medical institutions through the establishment of county medical communities.


来源:医药网  2023.12.06



National Health Commission: announcing the establishment of the Nation Health Information Platform

November 8th, 2023 | by

On July 11th, the National Health Commission conducted a conference. The conference announced the formation of the National Health Information Platform, which basically connects national, provincial, municipal, and county health information platforms. Up until now, regional health information platforms have connected over 8,000 tertiary and secondary hospitals, while provincial health information platforms have connected over 80% of tertiary hospitals in 20 provinces. Additionally, 25 provinces have shared electronic health information, 17 provinces have shared electronic medical records, and 204 cities have shared medical examination results.


来源:医药网  2023.11.08


NHSA: launching intelligent supervision system for medical insurance fund

September 14th, 2023 | by

On September 13th, the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA) issued the “Notification on Deepening the Intelligent Audit and Monitoring of the Medical Insurance Fund.” The Notification stated that by the end of 2023, all medical insurance coordination regions should launch intelligent supervision sub-systems, and audit and monitoring data should be accurately uploaded to the national medical insurance information platform, thereby achieving the “one network” of intelligent monitoring of the national medical insurance fund. The Notification indicates that these intelligent supervisory sub-systems of designated medical institutions should be interconnected.


来源:医药网  2023.09.14


Anhui: measures for prescription sharing

June 7th, 2023 | by

Recently, the Anhui Provincial Health Insurance Bureau, Anhui Provincial Health Commission, and Anhui Provincial Bureau of Pharmaceutical Supervision released the “Plan on Promoting the Application of the E-Prescription Sharing Platform.” The Plan proposes establishing a provincial E-Prescription Sharing Platform and connecting it to medical institutions’ HIS systems, retail pharmacies’ drug management systems, and health insurance billing systems. Medical institutions should take the initiative to upload e-prescriptions to this platform. Pharmacies should dispense drugs and handle insurance-based drug purchases based on the above interconnected systems. The Plan also suggests exchanging information among insured residents, Internet hospitals, and designated retail pharmacies through data sharing between national and Anhui provincial medical insurance information platforms and online drug purchase platforms. This creates a cycle where hospitals create e-prescriptions, insured residents purchase pharmaceuticals online, pharmacists check prescriptions online, pharmacies dispense drugs, and medical insurance settles medical bills online.


来源:医药网  2023.06.07


The “World Family Doctor’s Day 2023” will be conducted

May 10th, 2023 | by

On May 19, 2023, the National Health Commission will host a statewide activity with the theme “World Family Doctors’ Day.” The activities include organizing an on-site family doctor contract service and providing free consultations and lectures on healthcare issues in order to introduce family doctors and the services they can offer to the public. Family doctors should take the initiative to contact and serve contracted residents, advising them on how to use contractual services such as medical care and health management. Furthermore, the coverage of family doctor services should be gradually expanded, such as to include specialized hospitals, secondary and tertiary hospitals, and private medical institutions, and the contracting period should be flexible.


来源:医药网  2023.05.10


Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group: demanding legislative regulation for household expired drugs

March 17th, 2023 | by

During the Two Sessions, Li Chuyuan, the NPC (National People’s Congress) deputy, secretary of the Party Committee, and Chairman of the Board of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group, stated that household expired drugs demand legislative regulation. On March 8th, the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group hosted online and offline activities to recycle expired drugs for free. During the online event, consumers can visit the group’s online shops on Tmall and JD and send their expired drugs to designated places after confirming this with the online shops’ customer service.  After receiving the expired drugs, consumers will receive discount coupons from online shops within three business days. The collected expired drugs will be sent to a specified location and disposed of.

In 2004, the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group created the world’s first “Household Expired Drug Recycling Mechanism,” which provides consumers with free replacement of household expired drugs over a long period of time. Over the last 20 years, the group has formed “No Expired Drug” alliances with numerous pharmacy chains, established recycling points in pharmacies and hospitals, and collaborated with Ali Health and Jingdong to create an online recycling mechanism, with activities spreading to over 200 cities nationwide, forming a nationwide drug recycling network.


2023.03.17  来源:搜狐网



Yangtze River Delta region: Promoting multi-regional drug regulatory data sharing

October 24th, 2022 | by

Recently, the Jiangxi Provincial Drug Administration signed a “memorandum of collaboration among drug administration authorities on strengthening digital drug supervision in the Yangtze Delta region” with Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, and other drug administration authorities in the Yangtze Delta region. Following the signing of the memorandum, the Jiangxi Provincial Drug Administration took the lead in developing the “Standards for the collection and exchange of data in terms of the supervision and production of drugs in the Yangtze Delta region,” which establishes a mechanism for sharing and reusing electronic data in the Yangtze Delta region and effectively promotes data sharing and reuse in terms of drug review and approval, drug production supervision, and credit administration.


来源:大江网  2022.10.24


Guangdong: Implementing an OTC drug trading reform

March 15th, 2022 | by

On March 15, a pilot project was announced to allow the sale of OTC drugs in convenience stores operated by large trading groups which also own pharmacy retail chains under the titel “Implementation of the Pilot Program of Class-B OTC Drugs Trading Reform in Guangdong Province”. With this plan, Guangdong Province supports efforts to save costs by encouraging large chain convenience store headquarters and drug retail chain enterprises in the same group to integrate with one another. The public can take advantages of the pilot convenience stores’ 24 hour availability by purchasing commonly used OTC drugs. On the same day, Guangzhou and Dongguan cities launched the Drug Business License for large convenience store chains selling OTC drugs as the provinces’s first pilot program.


来源:新浪看点  2022.03.15




The State Council: establishing a national drug traceability collaboration platform

May 11th, 2021 | by

Recently, the State Council issued the “Opinions on Strengthening Drug Supervising Capacity.” The “Opinion” stipulates that the traceability information system be enhanced and a national drug traceability collaboration platform be established to achieve complete drug tracking and tracing and to gradually apply unique identification for medical devices.


来源:医药网  2021.05.11
