

Schlagwort: ‘Consolidation’

Medical Reform involving all urban employees

April 23rd, 2021 | by

Recently, the State Council issued the “Opinions on Improving the Mutual-Aid Mechanism for Covering Outpatient Bills in the Employed Medical Insurance System.” According to the “Opinion”, employees’ medical insurance premiums paid by their employers should be consolidated into a fund that can cover outpatient bills to improve the Mutual-Aid Mechanism. The “Opinion” clarifies that individual insurance accounts can be used to pay for the medical cost incurred by the insured person, his or her spouse, parent and children at designated medical institutions, as well as the cost incurred by the insured person for the purchase of drugs, medical equipment and medical devices at designated retailed pharmacies.


来源:医药网  2021.04.23 

日前,国务院办公厅印发《关于建立健全职工基本医疗保险门诊共济保障机制的指导意见》。《意见》提出,将单位缴纳的医疗保险费全部计入统筹基金,并将门诊费用纳入统筹基金支付范围,健全门诊共济保障机制。 《意见》明确,个人账户可以用于支付参保人员本人及其配偶、父母、子女在定点医疗机构就医发生的由个人负担的医疗费用,以及在定点零售药店购买药品、医疗器械及医用耗材发生的由个人负担的费用

Hainan Free Trade Port: implementing online sales of prescription drugs

April 20th, 2021 | by

On April 8th, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the “Opinions on Supporting the Special Measures to Expand Market Access in the Hainan Free Trade Port.” The “Opinion” indicates that an e-prescription center be contracted in Lecheng to support the online sale of prescription drugs that are not expressly regulated under the national drug administration law. The e-prescription center should be connected to internet hospitals, prescription systems of Hainan medical institutions, various prescription drugs sales platforms, health insurance information platforms, payment and claims processing institutions, and commercial insurance institutions, thereby realizing an “Integrated Online Platform”  for the collection of prescription-related information, prescription drugs purchasing, information security certification, and medical insurance claims processing.


来源:医药网  2021.04.20


Promoting online drug trading, prescription sharing, and internet hospitals

March 26th, 2021 | by

On 25th March, the “Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Development of New Consumption Patterns” developed by 28 departments including the National Development and Reform Commission and the NMPA was officially announced. The “Implementation Plan” clarifies that the development of online diagnosis and treatment and internet hospitals should be standardized; guiding principles for electronic prescription sharing should be introduced; prescription information of medical institutions should match with drug consumption information in retail pharmacies; the system connecting internet hospitals and physical medical institutions should be realized and their medical insurance data should be shared with each other.


来源: 医药网  2020.03.26


Shandong: Online medical insurance payment + medication home delivery service

January 20th, 2021 | by

On 18th January, the Shandong Medical Insurance Bureau issued the interpretation of the “Notice on Insisting on the Innovation of Traditional and Intelligent Medical Services and Implementing the Twelve Measures of Convenient Medical Services for the Elderly. ” The “Notice” stipulates that the “online consultation”, “online prescription renewal”, “online medical insurance payment” and “medication home delivery service” should be realized with the help of the provincial online medical insurance service platform and internet hospitals.

医保局1号文力推线上医保结算+线下送药上门 年内全面落地

来源:医药网  2021.01.20


Hospital pharmacies and pharmacy chains cooperate

December 27th, 2019 | by

Recently, the Medical Product Administration of Guizhou province issued the “Notification on Improving Pharmacy Chains Management in Guizhou Province.” The “Notification” indicated that pharmacy chains are encouraged to provide pharmaceutical services jointly with hospital pharmacies according to their own supply practice. Besides, online prescribing and pharmaceutical services should be promoted as well.


来源:新浪医药新闻  2019.12.27


“List of National Intensive Monitoring Drug” is released

July 2nd, 2019 | by

On July 1st, the Medical Administration Bureau of the National Health Commission issued the “Notification on printing the first List of National Intensive Monitoring Drug (Chemicals and Biological Products),” 20 drugs were selected in the “List.” The “Notification” stipulates that all provinces should form a list of provincial intensive monitoring drug on the basis of the national “List” and publish it for use by various medical institutions. All medical institutions should establish a regulatory system for monitoring drugs and strengthen the management of clinical applications of them. At the same time, the prescription management of drugs outside the “List” should also be strengthened.


来源:医药网 2019.07.02

核心提示:7月1日,国家卫健委医政医管局发布了《关于印发第一批国家重点监控合理用药药品目录(化药及生物制品)的通知》,共20个药品入选。 《通知》要求, 各省应在《目录》基础上形成省级重点监控合理用药药品目录并公布,以供各类医疗机构参考;各医疗机构要建立重点监控合理用药药品管理制度,加强目录内药品临床应用的全程管理;同时,还应加强目录外药品的处方管理。

Major Tasks of Medical Reform in 2019

June 5th, 2019 | by

On June 4th, the General Office of the States Council officially issued the “Notification of Major Tasks of deepening the reform of the medical and health system in 2019.” The “Notification” clarifies that the National Health Commission should issue a list of drugs that are suggested to be imitated. The State Medical Insurance Bureau and other departments should promote the national organized centralized procurement and use of drugs, and strengthen the supervision of the quality of selected drugs, the priority use of selected drugs in public medical institutions of pilot areas, the payment settlement, and the production of both selected drugs and raw materials. Besides, these departments should also accelerate the reform of medical insurance payment methods and carry out the pilot program of DRGS payment.


来源:医药网 2019.06.05

核心提示:6月4日,国务院办公厅正式发布《深化医药卫生体制改革2019年重点工作任务的通知》。《通知》明确,国家卫生健康委应发布鼓励仿治药品目录; 国家医保局等部门推进国家组织药品集中采购和使用试点,加强对中标药品质量、试点地区公立医疗机构优先使用和药款结算、中标药品及原料药生产的检测等工作。另外,应加快推进医保支付方式改革,开展按疾病诊断相关分组付费试点。

Yinchuan implemented “prescription sharing”

June 3rd, 2019 | by

Recently, the Yinchuan Prescription Sharing Platform connected six municipal hospitals to realize prescription sharing. The platform unifies the prescriptions of all hospitals, communities, and internet hospitals throughout the city to ensure drug safety. At the same time, patients can choose pharmacies and purchase methods according to various selection modes such as the lowest price, nearest distance, self-service to get medicines, or third-party delivery. Mr. Ma Xiaofei, director of the Yinchuan Health Committee, stated that because the platform has reduced the number of prescriptions that licensed pharmacists should review, it will relieve the pressure of the shortage of licensed pharmacists and solve the problem of licensed pharmacist renting their licenses to others.


来源:医药网 2019.06.03


A list of pilot cities implementing DRG paying is released

May 21st, 2019 | by

On the morning of May 20th, the State Medical Insurance Bureau held a video conference of experimental work that implements DRG paying and announced the list of pilot cities. The list identified a total of 30 cities


来源:新浪医药新闻  2019.05.21


Jilin Province issued 39 measures to promoting the medical reform

April 27th, 2019 | by

Recently, the General Office of the Jilin Provincial Government published the “Notification on the major tasks of Deepening the Reform of Medical and Health System in Jilin Province in 2019” and proposed 39 measures to accelerate the establishment of a quality and efficient medical and health service system. The “Notification” clarifies that a Regional Medical Service Capability Improvement Program should be implemented. The establishment of the medical association, a long-distance medical treatment platform, and a universal coverage health information system should be promoted in the whole province.


来源:健康报 2019.04.27
