

Schlagwort: ‘Consolidation’

Heilongjiang Province comprehensively promotes graded diagnosis and treatments system

February 15th, 2019 | by

Recently, the Heilongjiang provincial government issued the “Implemented Plan for promoting the establishment of a Graded Diagnosis and Treatments System.” The “Plan” proposed that the diagnosis and treatment in primary health care institutions and county hospitals should be promoted, and serious diseases should be treated among the county by 2020. The “Plan” stipulated that the medical resources sharing in the region should be integrated. Experts in the hospital should provide medical services to primary health care institutions to encourage hospitals to reduce standard outpatient services.


来源:健康报  2019.02.15


The upper limit of patients serviced by a contracted family doctor is 2000

October 10th, 2018 | by

On October 8th, the official website of the National State Council officially issued the “Guiding Opinions on Standardising the Management of Contracted Family Doctor Services”. The “Guiding Opinion” clarifies that the number of patients serviced by a contracted family doctor should not exceed 2000. The “Guiding Opinion” indicates that the service charge should be properly accounted for and allocated and fundraising channels to support family doctors should be broadened. The “Guiding Opinion” stipulated that while promoting the service of “Internet+Contracted Family Doctor”, the management and assessment of contracting service should be strengthened.


来源:医药网 2018.10.10


Opinions of the national basic medical system would be released

September 19th, 2018 | by

On September 19th, 2018, the State Council published “Guiding opinions on the improvement of the national basic medical system.” The “Guiding opinions” stipulates the establishment of a wholesome drug use monitoring platform and monitoring network system.It persists in centralized drug procurement, implements drug classification and acquisition; encourages local areas to combine basic drug system with classified medical treatment, family doctor contracting services and chronic disease health management so as to reduce the financial burden of patients. It establishes a wholesome national shortage of drug monitoring and early warning system, by the way of a reasonable purchase price, fixed-point production and unified distribution to ensure drug supply.


来源:中国制药网 2018.09.19


The electronic drug regulation will be recommissioned

August 27th, 2018 | by

On August 24th, 2018, the State Food and Drug Administration issued “Guiding Opinions on the Construction of a Drug Information and Traceability System (consultation paper)”. The “Guiding Opinion” stipulates that licensed sellers of drugs and pharmaceutical enterprises should each establish their own traceability system. The ownership of the drug traceability data is determined by the principle “who generated, who owns”. It encourages Holders, pharmaceutical enterprises, users, industry associations, third-party service agencies, and administrative departments to implement the interconnection of drug information traceability through the drug traceability collaborative service platform.

国家药监局: 重启药品电子监管

来源:医药网 2018.08.27


Pharmacist Sharing is coming!

May 4th, 2018 | by

On 7th March, Ali Health announced their new product  “Pharmacist Sharing”, which offers the online “Pharmacist Sharing” consulting service to pharmacies for free. The shop assistant in offline pharmacies may consult the online licensed pharmacists to help customers at offline pharmacies in time. As known, the service team is built by Ali. There are around 3000 licensed pharmacists working every day from 8:30 to 24:00 for the online consulting. (Source:


来源:中国制药网 2018-03-08

核心提示:3月7日,阿里健康宣布推出“共享药师”产品, 免费面向社会药店店主提供第三方的开放平台的“共享药师”在线咨询服务。线下药店的店员可以咨询在线执业药师,从而帮助线下门店顾客及时解决用药咨询。据了解,该药师服务团队为阿里健康自建,约有3000名执业药师,每天从8:30到24:00服务在线咨询顾客。

Shanghai Pharma and DHL made a strategic cooperation to expand Chinese pharmaceutical distribution market

May 4th, 2018 | by

On 4th August 2017, Shanghai Pharma and DHL held a meeting in Shanghai for the strategic cooperation. They announced their cooperation in fields of life science and healthcare. Through the business cooperation, resources will be shared for the business of pharmaceutical products, the third-party logistics and storage regarding medical instruments. (Source:


来源:东方财富网 2017-08-07


The reformation of the State Council institutions: repealing CFDA and establishing the Drug Administration

March 21st, 2018 | by

The reformation scheme of the State Council institutions was published on 13.03.2018. It was mentioned in the scheme that the National Market Supervision Administration will be established as a subordinate institution of the State Council. Furthermore, concerning the particularity of drug supervision, the National Drug Supervision Administration will be independently established, which will be directed by the National Market Supervision Administration. The market supervision will be directed hierarchically. The drug supervision institutions will be set only to the provincial level. The supervision of drug distribution and drug sales will be operated by the supervision administrations at the city and country level. The CFDA will not be kept in the reformation. (Source:

国务院机构改革: 撤销食药监总局、单设药监局

来源:人民网 2018-03-14


10 pharmacies became pilot stations for recycling expired drugs

March 21st, 2018 | by

To safeguard the pharmaceutical market order, one should avoid that expired drugs flow into the market and endanger the medication safety. The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation Tianjin organized that the pharmaceutical drug retailers start the recycling of expired drugs. On 29th November 2017, the long-term basis recycling work of expired drugs officially started. For the first batch, 10 pharmacies became pilot stations. (Source: China Network Finance)


来源:中国网财经 2017-11-30

核心提示: 为保障药品市场秩序,防止过期药品流入市场,保证百姓用药安全,天津市市场监管委组织天津市药品零售企业积极开展过期药品回收工作。2017年11月29日,天津市过期药品长期回收活动正式启动,首批10个药店纳入试点。

Wang Jianlin spending 15 billion to build up Wanda chain hospitals

February 10th, 2017 | by

On 18th January at the annual meeting of “2017 Winter Davos” the chairman of the board of Wanda Group, Wang Jianlin said that he was considering starting chain hospitals. It is reported that on 6th January, 2016 Wanda Group signed the cooperation agreement with British International Hospitals Group Limited (IHG) in Beijing. According to the agreement, Wanda invests 15 billion for three comprehensive international hospitals in Shanghai, Chengdu and Qingdao. Three hospitals will be operated and managed by IHG with the brand of IHG. This has been the biggest investment in this field from Chinese enterprises. It is also the first implemented project for IHG to run hospitals in China. (Source: Chinamsr)

王健林出手 已花150亿建立万达连锁医院

来源:中国医药联盟 2017-01-19

核心提示:当地时间1月18日,万达集团董事长王健林在瑞士达沃斯召开的“2017冬季达沃斯”年会上公开表示,正在考虑做连锁医院。据悉,2016年1月6日,万达集团已经在北京完成了与英国国际医院集团(International HospitalsGroup Limited,简称IHG)的合作协议签订。根据双方协议,万达总投资150亿元,在上海、成都、青岛建设三座综合性国际医院,由IHG运营管理并使用IHG品牌。首次出手医疗领域的万达创造了中国企业在该领域最大的一笔投资,这一项目也成为IHG在中国运营管理医院的第一个落地项目。

SF Express joins hands with Sanofi to expand the business of cold-chain logistics together

November 23rd, 2016 | by

On 16th November, the subsidiary of SF Express – Chengdu Shunyifeng Pharmaceutical held the launch ceremony of the cooperation with Sanofi (China) in Chengdu. They will launch a project for a new pharmaceutical logistic center in Chengdu. The new center will be the third pharmaceutical logistic center of Sanofi in China and the first one in Southwest China. In the first stage of the cooperation, Sanofi will hand over the drug delivery to SF Express. In later periods, according to the development of the business, Sanofi would hand over the vaccine delivery business to SF Express as well. (Source: Yigoonet)


来源:医谷 2016-11-18
