

Schlagwort: ‘Government Supervision’

The Chinese Medicine law is finally issued after brewing for 30 years

February 10th, 2017 | by

On 25th December, the Chinese Medicine law was issued. It is the first national law which aims at promoting the traditional Chinese medicine. It offers powerful legal support to develop the healthcare of Chinese medicine. The Chinese Medicine law contains 9 chapters with 63 terms and will come into effect on 1st July, 2017. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)


来源:新华社 2016-12-26


Health reform in the next five years is set down by the State Council

January 31st, 2017 | by

On 21st December, Premier Li Keqiang chaired a State Council executive meeting. To deepen the health reform became the important topic again. Detailed deploy was decided at the meeting. The key task during the 13th five year plan is to reduce the drug price. Controlling the price and reimbursement of the health insurance will still be the key point of the reform in the next year. Besides, the process will be accelerated, so that patients at the outpatient service may buy drugs at retail pharmacies according to the prescriptions. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2016-12-22


CFDA ferrets out Illegal ingredients – five pharmaceutical manufacturers stop the production

December 16th, 2016 | by

In the evening of 7th December, CFDA published the No.159 casual inspection announcement in 2016. In the national drug casual inspection, drugs in six batches from five manufacturers were ferreted out to contain abietic acid or Scarlet 808. The Food and Drug Administrations of Jilin, Qinghai and Tibet Autonomous Region have already taken the product control actions to seal up, distrain, stop selling and recall the ferreted drugs. Withal CFDA asked FDAs of Jilin, Qinghai and Tibet Autonomous Region to immediately instruct the manufacturers to stop related productions and investigate the reasons thoroughly. The production should not be recovered until the reasons are clear and the rectifications are done. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2016-12-08


The joint reformation is the key of the health reform in the future

November 30th, 2016 | by

On 21st November, the opening ceremony of the 9th Global Conference on Health Promotion was held in Shanghai. The Premier of the State Council LI Keqiang said that the reform of public hospitals should be deepened; the system of basic health insurance should be improved and the security system of the drug supply should be reformed. Therefore, more focuses should be put on the joint reformation for public health services, medical insurance, and medical production-circulation. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2016-11-24


Unified management of physicians according to codes in Fujian

November 23rd, 2016 | by

On 11th November, Fujian Medical Security Management Committee published an announcement about the unified management of physicians according to codes. At the moment the codes of local physicians are being collected by medical security agencies in Fujian. After a review, the codes will be recorded in the physician database for the whole province of Fujian. This work is planned to be done by 31th December. After all codes will be recorded in the database, every unreasonable medical expense can be traced to the physician, so that the overall process management of medical treatments of doctors becomes possible. (Source: the 21th Century Economic Report)

福建医师代码统一管理 不合理医药费用责任追踪到个人

来源:21世纪经济报道 2016-11-15


Health reform in Fujian: “Three in one”– to break the profit chain

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, Fujian Institutional Organization Commission published an announcement concerning the medical security management system in municipalities. All municipalities are required to integrate municipal medical security institutions including their functions. The establishment of medical security authority should speed up. The management system of medical security should be straightened up, and the management responsibilities should be gathered. It is said that before the end of November, municipal medical security authorities should be set up in Fujian, and take charge of the businesses of health insurance, medical assistance and etc. Those businesses used to pertain to Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Health and Family Planning Commission and other departments. (Source: The Time Weekly)


来源:时代周报 2016-11-8


Six ministries published the development planning guide for the pharmaceutical industry

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Six ministries, including Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, recently published the development planning guide for the pharmaceutical industry. The guide sets up targets from eight aspects for the pharmaceutical industry during the time of the 13th Five-Year Plan and helps the pharmaceutical industry to develop better. The eight aspects are: 1. Industry scale; 2. Technology innovation; 3. Production quality; 4. Green development; 5. Smart manufacturing; 6. Supply support; 7. Organization structure; 8. Internationalization. (Source: Medicine Economic News)


来源:医药经济报 2016-11-08


New revolution: doctors may establish clinics

November 23rd, 2016 | by

On 1st November, National Health and Family Planning Commission published two documents. One is the revision decision of the control regulations of medical institutions. Another one is about seeking comments for the enrollment regulation of doctors’ profession qualification. One big change in the new regulations is that practicing doctors, doctors that retired due to sickness and doctors during job-protected leave are allowed to establish clinics. Another big change is that the new regulations have listed clinical laboratory centers, medical inspection centers, pathology diagnosis centers, medical image diagnosis centers, hematodialysis centers and hospice care centers as medical institutions. Those centers will get the practicing certificates as medical institutions. This regulation change will be beneficial for related enterprises of medical facilities and in vitro diagnosis. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2016-11-03

核心提示:11 月 1 日,国家卫生计生委同时发布两份文件。其中,一份是《国家卫生计生委关于修改〈医疗机构管理条例实施细则〉的决定(征求意见稿)公开征求意见的通知》。另一份是《国家卫生计生委关于〈医师执业注册管理办法(征求意见稿)〉公开征求意见的通知》。新法规中一个最大的变化是,今后在职医生、因病退职或者停薪留职医生,都可以开办诊所了!还有一个重大变化,新法规中将临床检验中心、医学检验中心、病理诊断中心、医学影像诊断中心、血液透析中心、安宁疗护中心列为了“医疗机构”,将单独获得医疗机构执业证书,利好于相关医疗设备和体外诊断企业。

The program of Healthcare 2030 in China is published – Internet + healthcare may bring trillions of business opportunities

November 23rd, 2016 | by

“Healthcare in China” has become the national strategy for the first time. The Central Committee of the Communist Party and the State Council recently published the layout plan of Healthcare 2030 in China. Until 2030, an integrated healthcare industrial system with an optimized structure will be established; large enterprises with strong innovative ability and international competitiveness will be formed; the total scale of healthcare service industry will reach 16 trillion. With the implementation of the plan of Healthcare in China, many industrial fields will encounter big development opportunities. (Source: The Communication Information News)

“健康中国2030”规划出台 互联网+医疗或释放万亿商机

来源:通信信息报 2016-11-03


The outpatient clinic of medication consultation is under planning in Beijing

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals held the finals of the 2016 competition of pharmacists’ counselling skills. The deputy director of Beijing Municipal Administration said that they were actively planning to set up the outpatient clinic of medication consultation in municipal hospitals. The public Wechat account of “Beijing Pharmacists” will come out soon, to offer more individualized, continuously traceable consultation services with evident featured specialties. (Source: Health News)


来源:健康报 2016-10-19
