

Schlagwort: ‘Hospital Management’

Adjusting the price management mode of low-price drugs in Hunan

December 16th, 2016 | by

Hunan Development and Reform Commission recently published an announcement concerning drug prices. The announcement clarifies related policies about drug prices in Hunan medical institutions. According to the announcement, since the publication date of the announcement, sales without added profit should be implemented basing on the actual purchase price, when public medical institutions sell drugs (including secondary vaccine, excluding traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces). For the sale of traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces in public medical institutions, the added profit should not exceed 30 % on the basis of the cost price with tax (the wholesale price). The added profit of non-public medical institutions and social retail pharmacies can be formulated by institutions and pharmacies themselves. Drug prices should be shown to the public. (Source: Chinese Medicine News)


来源:中国医药报 2016-12-08


Beijing: hospital independent pricing is coming

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, new regulations were published in Beijing. From 1st January 2017, public medical institutions will implement independent pricing for special medical services, new medical services and parts of the current medical services. It is said to be the second step of the price reform of medical service in Beijing. Earlier the price of the first-aid service has been adjusted. The vice director of Beijing Health and Family Planning Commission – Zhong Dongbo said, according to the plan of Beijing Development and Reform Commission, the medical service price reform will be carried out in three steps. A dynamic adjustable, systematic manageable price system will be explored and set up in the end. (Source: Health News)


来源:健康报 2016-11-22


The strictest rule against transfusion at outpatient service

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, Tianjin Health and Family Planning Commission published an announcement about regulating the management work of antibacterial agent transfusion. All medical institutions should carry out investigations about the current situation of antibacterial agent transfusion. After analyses, assessments, studies and judges, relevant measures should be planned to implement the “ten key information of rational drug use”, which was formulated by National Health and Family Planning Commission. Until the end of 2016, all antibacterial agent transfusion should stop at outpatient services (except pediatrics). For pediatrics, relevant diagnosis and treatment rules must be followed strictly. The indications of antibacterial agent transfusion must be accurately seized, to avoid any irrational drug use. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2016-11-16


All public hospitals will cancel the drug mark-up

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, the General Office of the Communist Party of China, and the General Office of the State Council forwarded instructions about the further promotion of the health reform. The instructions mention that new operation systems should be built up in public hospitals and the drug mark-up should be cancelled in all public hospitals. Modern hospital management systems should be set up with performance assessments. The assessment results should be connected to the financial aids of hospitals, health insurance payment, total merit pay, salary of hospital directors and etc., to set up incentive and constraint systems. (Source: Beijing Times)


来源:京华时报 2016-11-09


Unified management of physicians according to codes in Fujian

November 23rd, 2016 | by

On 11th November, Fujian Medical Security Management Committee published an announcement about the unified management of physicians according to codes. At the moment the codes of local physicians are being collected by medical security agencies in Fujian. After a review, the codes will be recorded in the physician database for the whole province of Fujian. This work is planned to be done by 31th December. After all codes will be recorded in the database, every unreasonable medical expense can be traced to the physician, so that the overall process management of medical treatments of doctors becomes possible. (Source: the 21th Century Economic Report)

福建医师代码统一管理 不合理医药费用责任追踪到个人

来源:21世纪经济报道 2016-11-15


New revolution: doctors may establish clinics

November 23rd, 2016 | by

On 1st November, National Health and Family Planning Commission published two documents. One is the revision decision of the control regulations of medical institutions. Another one is about seeking comments for the enrollment regulation of doctors’ profession qualification. One big change in the new regulations is that practicing doctors, doctors that retired due to sickness and doctors during job-protected leave are allowed to establish clinics. Another big change is that the new regulations have listed clinical laboratory centers, medical inspection centers, pathology diagnosis centers, medical image diagnosis centers, hematodialysis centers and hospice care centers as medical institutions. Those centers will get the practicing certificates as medical institutions. This regulation change will be beneficial for related enterprises of medical facilities and in vitro diagnosis. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2016-11-03

核心提示:11 月 1 日,国家卫生计生委同时发布两份文件。其中,一份是《国家卫生计生委关于修改〈医疗机构管理条例实施细则〉的决定(征求意见稿)公开征求意见的通知》。另一份是《国家卫生计生委关于〈医师执业注册管理办法(征求意见稿)〉公开征求意见的通知》。新法规中一个最大的变化是,今后在职医生、因病退职或者停薪留职医生,都可以开办诊所了!还有一个重大变化,新法规中将临床检验中心、医学检验中心、病理诊断中心、医学影像诊断中心、血液透析中心、安宁疗护中心列为了“医疗机构”,将单独获得医疗机构执业证书,利好于相关医疗设备和体外诊断企业。

The health insurances for urban and rural residents will be integrated comprehensively in 2017

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, the General Office of the government of Henan Province published the implementation opinions about the integration of basic health insurance systems for urban and rural residents. From next year, a unified health insurance system for urban and rural residents will be implemented in Henan Province. More than 80 million rural residents will have the same health insurance treatment as 11 million urban residents. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)


来源:新华社 2016-10-25


Credit cards are promoted in hospitals in Hangzhou – possible to pay after the diagnosis and treatment

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, ten hospitals in Hangzhou promoted a service of payment by healthcare credit. Citizens with good credits may pay after the diagnosis and treatment. Similar to the credit cards in normal banks, the healthcare credit cards have different limits. The interest-free repayment period is ten days. If the repayment couldn’t be finished within ten days, the interest will be counted by the model of interest accrual by transactions. Repayments are possible to be done by another person. Any malevolence default behavior will affect the personal credit. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

杭州医院推出就医“信用卡” 可先诊疗后还款

来源:新华社 2016-10-24


The outpatient clinic of medication consultation is under planning in Beijing

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals held the finals of the 2016 competition of pharmacists’ counselling skills. The deputy director of Beijing Municipal Administration said that they were actively planning to set up the outpatient clinic of medication consultation in municipal hospitals. The public Wechat account of “Beijing Pharmacists” will come out soon, to offer more individualized, continuously traceable consultation services with evident featured specialties. (Source: Health News)


来源:健康报 2016-10-19


Gansu public hospital drug sunshine procurement platform goes online for the pilot run

October 18th, 2016 | by

Gansu public hospital drug sunshine procurement platform ( goes online for the pilot run in October. From 1st November, it will run online officially. The platform can meet the demand of price negotiation and online procurement for medical institutions. From making the procurement plan, summarizing procurement lists, online price negotiation, signing contracts, until the delivery, settlement and payments, it can realize the whole-process digital sunshine procurement. (Source: Lzcb)


来源:兰州晨报 2016-10-09


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