

Schlagwort: ‘Information System’

First drug tracing service platform based on blockchain went online

May 4th, 2018 | by

In June, 2017, the fist drug tracing service platform based on blockchain – Ziyun drug tracing service platform – went online. It is known that all tracing data from Zhengzhou Aolite Pharmaceutical is saved on the blockchain platform of Ziyun Shares. With the model of “one code for one item” all trancing dates cannot be changed, so that all products from Aolite Pharmaceutical are qualified to pass the quality control in the distribution process. (Source: CFLP)


来源:中国物流与采购网 2017-06-07


The supervision and management regulation for drug retailing online seeks for opinions: Prescription drugs are forbidden to sell online

March 21st, 2018 | by

CFDA recently publishes the supervision and management regulation for drug retailing online (exposure draft) and asks for opinions from the public. The exposure draft emphasizes that pharmacies online should neither sell prescription drugs, nor exhibit information of them. Licensed pharmacists are also necessary for pharmacies online. These are also the latest management regulation for pharmacies online, which will further enhance the distribution environment of drug retailing online and maintain the medication safety. (Source: Souhu)


来源:搜狐 2017-11-17


The standard of drug data management asks for opinions

March 21st, 2018 | by

Recently, regarding the standard of drug data management, CFDA asks for opinions of the public. The exposure draft of the standard indicates that data management is one part of the system of the drug quality management, which should run through the entire data life cycle. (Source: Health News)


来源:健康报 2018-01-11


Smart supervision platform for medical treatment goes online – violations will be automatically given an alarm

January 20th, 2018 | by

Health and Family Planning Commission in Hubei has recently launched the smart supervision platform for medical treatment services. When doctors prescribe drugs, the related data will be uploaded to the platform for synchronization. If there is any violation, the platform will give an alarm automatically.  The platform is known to be on trial in provincial-governed hospitals and will be promoted to all hospitals in Hubei Province in 2018. (Source: Chutian City News)

医疗智能监管平台上线 遇违规行为将自动警报

来源:楚天都市报 2017-12-11

核心提示:湖北省卫生计生委近日已启动医疗服务智能监管平台。 医生在开具处方时,相关数据会同步上传到平台。如有违反规则的行为,平台将自动弹出警报提醒。据了解,该平台目前正在部省属医院试用,2018年将在全省各医院推开。

A tracing system for the distribution of Chinese medicine went online in Hubei

February 10th, 2017 | by

On 28th December, a tracing system for the distribution of Chinese medicine went online at the modern logistics center of Dongxihu in Hubei. The tracing system relies on the information technology and the Internet of Things technology. Customers can use smartphones, internet or terminals and scan the electronic tag on the packages of Chinese medicine products, so that all the distribution information (planting, manufacturing and distributing) can be tracked. The establishment of this system can avoid fake products. (Source:


来源:荆楚网 2016-12-29


Smart pharmacy for Chinese medicines in Kunming – only 10 min for dispensing

January 31st, 2017 | by

The smart pharmacy for Chinese medicines came recently into use in the 2nd People’s Hospital in Kunming. The smart pharmacy uses the smart deploy system and connects to the information system of the hospital seamlessly. The prescriptions of Chinese medicines can be taken in real time and the dispensing will be conducted automatically to realize a precise weighing, reasonable dispensing and standard packaging. (Source: XinhuaNet)

昆明启用智能化中药房 看病取药仅需10分钟

来源:新华网云南频道 2016-12-24


875 smart electronic pill cases will be put in Wenzhou in the next year

November 23rd, 2016 | by

In the next year, 875 “smart electronic pill cases” will be distributed in seven districts in Wenzhou for the standard treatments of tuberculosis. Eligible patients may get the electronic pill cases from doctors at the outpatient service for free. The anti-tuberculosis drugs in the pill cases are also for free. Different times or time intervals can be set on the pill cases, and the cases will give alarms at the time when the medicine should be taken. The times when the medicine was taken will be recorded automatically. Doctors at the outpatient service can check the data of the electronic pill cases monthly to know the medication compliance of the patients, so that individualized medication instructions can be offered to patients to ensure the treatments with high quality. (Source: Wenzhou Daily)


来源:温州网–温州日报 2016-11-11


Credit cards are promoted in hospitals in Hangzhou – possible to pay after the diagnosis and treatment

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, ten hospitals in Hangzhou promoted a service of payment by healthcare credit. Citizens with good credits may pay after the diagnosis and treatment. Similar to the credit cards in normal banks, the healthcare credit cards have different limits. The interest-free repayment period is ten days. If the repayment couldn’t be finished within ten days, the interest will be counted by the model of interest accrual by transactions. Repayments are possible to be done by another person. Any malevolence default behavior will affect the personal credit. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

杭州医院推出就医“信用卡” 可先诊疗后还款

来源:新华社 2016-10-24


New model of “Internet+” helps to solve drug sale problems

November 23rd, 2016 | by

On 13th October, Nanchong FDA said that a pilot management system of retail electronic records will be carried out in Gaoping District. This system is a positive exploration to solve supervision problems of the sale of prescription drugs. Furthermore it offers a solution to the problem of pharmacies that they are lack of sources of records. With the help of public medical institutions, the system offers free services to customers by Internet outpatient service. The free services include free health consulting, diagnosis of mild cases, electronic ordinary prescriptions and instructions of taking medicine. (Source: Nanchong News)

“互联网+”新模式 破解南充处方药销售难题

来源:南充新闻网 2016-10-14


Gansu public hospital drug sunshine procurement platform goes online for the pilot run

October 18th, 2016 | by

Gansu public hospital drug sunshine procurement platform ( goes online for the pilot run in October. From 1st November, it will run online officially. The platform can meet the demand of price negotiation and online procurement for medical institutions. From making the procurement plan, summarizing procurement lists, online price negotiation, signing contracts, until the delivery, settlement and payments, it can realize the whole-process digital sunshine procurement. (Source: Lzcb)


来源:兰州晨报 2016-10-09


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