

Schlagwort: ‘Pharmacy Management’

Pharmacists are allowed to practice medicine at more than one pharmacies

May 24th, 2019 | by

On May 24th, Shanxi Food and Drug Administration issued the “Notification on strengthening the management of licensed pharmacists in pharmacy chains,” which encourages licensed pharmacists to practice medicine at more than one branches during holidays and off-hours. The “Notification” indicates that licensed pharmacists in branches can check prescriptions as telework to serve patients during their off-hours. To solve the shortage of licensed pharmacists in towns and villages, pharmacists in the township can assume the responsibility of licensed pharmacists.


来源:制药网 2019.05.24


Pharmacist Sharing is coming!

May 4th, 2018 | by

On 7th March, Ali Health announced their new product  “Pharmacist Sharing”, which offers the online “Pharmacist Sharing” consulting service to pharmacies for free. The shop assistant in offline pharmacies may consult the online licensed pharmacists to help customers at offline pharmacies in time. As known, the service team is built by Ali. There are around 3000 licensed pharmacists working every day from 8:30 to 24:00 for the online consulting. (Source:


来源:中国制药网 2018-03-08

核心提示:3月7日,阿里健康宣布推出“共享药师”产品, 免费面向社会药店店主提供第三方的开放平台的“共享药师”在线咨询服务。线下药店的店员可以咨询在线执业药师,从而帮助线下门店顾客及时解决用药咨询。据了解,该药师服务团队为阿里健康自建,约有3000名执业药师,每天从8:30到24:00服务在线咨询顾客。

Difficulties with sharing prescriptions

May 4th, 2018 | by

In October 2017, all pharmacies in Wuzhou, Guangxi started to share prescriptions. By means of the prescription within 24 hours, patients can go to any pharmacy which joins the sharing platform to pay the medication fee and buy drugs. This means four months later – after the beginning of the pilot project in May – the prescription information sharing platform, which is promoted by Health and Family Planning Commission Wuzhou, officially reached the implement phase. (Source: 21st Century Pharmacy)


来源:21世纪药店 2017-10-13


65 licensed pharmacists got publicized! The CFDA exposes the situation of fake subordinations for the first time

March 21st, 2018 | by

On 22nd November, the CFDA published an announcement about the inspection of fake subordinations of licensed pharmacists in pharmaceutical distributors. It is known that the FDA in Jilin and some other provinces found 65 licensed pharmacists with fake subordinations. The FDAs have registered the information of those pharmacists in the management information system of national licensed pharmacists. The provincial registration institution of licensed pharmacists will capture and de-register their certificate and make them public. (Source: 21st Century Pharmacy)


来源:21世纪药店 2017-11-23

核心提示: 11月22日,国家食品药品监督管理总局网站上发布《关于药品经营企业中执业药师“挂证”行为检查情况的通告》。据悉,吉林等省(自治区)食品药品监管部门检查发现“挂证”行为的执业药师65人。相关食品药品监管部门已将上述“挂证”人员相关信息录入全国执业药师注册管理信息系统,由所在省执业药师注册机构依照相关规定收缴其注册证,并注销注册、对外公示。

The supervision and management regulation for drug retailing online seeks for opinions: Prescription drugs are forbidden to sell online

March 21st, 2018 | by

CFDA recently publishes the supervision and management regulation for drug retailing online (exposure draft) and asks for opinions from the public. The exposure draft emphasizes that pharmacies online should neither sell prescription drugs, nor exhibit information of them. Licensed pharmacists are also necessary for pharmacies online. These are also the latest management regulation for pharmacies online, which will further enhance the distribution environment of drug retailing online and maintain the medication safety. (Source: Souhu)


来源:搜狐 2017-11-17


The standard of drug data management asks for opinions

March 21st, 2018 | by

Recently, regarding the standard of drug data management, CFDA asks for opinions of the public. The exposure draft of the standard indicates that data management is one part of the system of the drug quality management, which should run through the entire data life cycle. (Source: Health News)


来源:健康报 2018-01-11


Paying by insurance card is suspended at 19 pharmacies in Xi’an due to the fraud

February 22nd, 2017 | by

Recently, the social security center of the Xi’an Human Resources and Social Security Bureau carried out the inspection at health-insurance-designated retail pharmacies. In the inspection, it has been found out that in some pharmacies, it was possible to buy household items paying by health insurance cards. According to relevant rules, 19 pharmacies with the fraud are punished with suspension of their businesses. (Source:


来源:西部网 2017-02-16


Pilot project in Beijing: delivery from manufacturer to patients

February 10th, 2017 | by

On 13th January at a conference of the Beijing People’s Congress, an officer from Beijing Health and Family Planning Commission said there will be a pilot project about the delivery of drugs in Beijing. Drugs will be delivered to patients by manufacturers directly without pharmacies, so that the space and labor in medical institutions can be saved. However, the prescriptions from doctors are still needed for the delivery. (Source: CN-healthcare)

北京将进行试点 药企对患者送药上门

来源:健康界 2017-01-18


Smart pharmacy for Chinese medicines in Kunming – only 10 min for dispensing

January 31st, 2017 | by

The smart pharmacy for Chinese medicines came recently into use in the 2nd People’s Hospital in Kunming. The smart pharmacy uses the smart deploy system and connects to the information system of the hospital seamlessly. The prescriptions of Chinese medicines can be taken in real time and the dispensing will be conducted automatically to realize a precise weighing, reasonable dispensing and standard packaging. (Source: XinhuaNet)

昆明启用智能化中药房 看病取药仅需10分钟

来源:新华网云南频道 2016-12-24


Pilot “electronic prescriptions” in retail pharmacies in Chengdu

November 23rd, 2016 | by

To solve the problems of the sale and supervision of prescription drugs, and to meet the demand of purchasing drugs, the pilot project of “electronic prescriptions” is being carried out in Chengdu. Until now, around 3000 pharmacies in Chengdu offer the consultation service, and 1800 pharmacies carry out the pilot project of electronic prescriptions, where people can get consultations, electronic prescriptions and review electronic prescriptions for free. (Source: Economic Information Daily)


来源:经济参考报 2016-11-11
