

Kategorie: ‘Other Hot Topics’

New solution for home expired drug recycling

June 10th, 2021 | by

On June 9th, the first World Congress of Pharmaceutical Retailing announced a “Green Finance Public Service Program for Home Expired Drug Recycling”. The Program intends to establish a drug stock-to-sales supervision system. Based on this program, the Chinese firm Union Drug together with more than 100,000 Chinese pharmacies has built a platform using information technology tools such as artificial intelligence, GPS, and GIS to achieve a full life-cycle monitoring of home expired drugs in terms of collection, transport, storage, and disposal.

世界医药零售业大会开幕 家庭过期药品回收迎来解决新方案

来源:中国高新材料及高新技术  2021.06.10


Meituan boosts 24-Hour-Pharmacies

June 2nd, 2021 | by

On June 2nd, Meituan Buying Medicine, a group of retail pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies, jointly launched the “Little Yellow Light” service plan. The plan includes five measures such as guaranteed customer service and night freight allowances to encourage the development of more 24-Hour-Pharmacies across the country, particularly in small and medium-sized cities, to offer customers rapid drug delivery to their homes.


来源:搜狐网  2021.06.02


Medical Reform involving all urban employees

April 23rd, 2021 | by

Recently, the State Council issued the “Opinions on Improving the Mutual-Aid Mechanism for Covering Outpatient Bills in the Employed Medical Insurance System.” According to the “Opinion”, employees’ medical insurance premiums paid by their employers should be consolidated into a fund that can cover outpatient bills to improve the Mutual-Aid Mechanism. The “Opinion” clarifies that individual insurance accounts can be used to pay for the medical cost incurred by the insured person, his or her spouse, parent and children at designated medical institutions, as well as the cost incurred by the insured person for the purchase of drugs, medical equipment and medical devices at designated retailed pharmacies.


来源:医药网  2021.04.23 

日前,国务院办公厅印发《关于建立健全职工基本医疗保险门诊共济保障机制的指导意见》。《意见》提出,将单位缴纳的医疗保险费全部计入统筹基金,并将门诊费用纳入统筹基金支付范围,健全门诊共济保障机制。 《意见》明确,个人账户可以用于支付参保人员本人及其配偶、父母、子女在定点医疗机构就医发生的由个人负担的医疗费用,以及在定点零售药店购买药品、医疗器械及医用耗材发生的由个人负担的费用

Shandong: Online medical insurance payment + medication home delivery service

January 20th, 2021 | by

On 18th January, the Shandong Medical Insurance Bureau issued the interpretation of the “Notice on Insisting on the Innovation of Traditional and Intelligent Medical Services and Implementing the Twelve Measures of Convenient Medical Services for the Elderly. ” The “Notice” stipulates that the “online consultation”, “online prescription renewal”, “online medical insurance payment” and “medication home delivery service” should be realized with the help of the provincial online medical insurance service platform and internet hospitals.

医保局1号文力推线上医保结算+线下送药上门 年内全面落地

来源:医药网  2021.01.20


Solicting opinions on drug recall

October 14th, 2020 | by

On October 13th, the NMPA issued the “Measures on Drug Recall (Consultation Paper)” to solicit opinions from public. The Consultation Paper stipulates that Markeiting Authorization Holders should establisch and improve the drug recall system, collect information on drug safety issues, and investigate and evaluate defective or potentially harmful drugs in order to recall them on time.


来源:医药网  2020.10.14


NMPA: establishing a traceabiliy system of specially regulated drugs

October 14th, 2020 | by

On August 28th, the NMPA issued the “Notice of establishing the traceability system of special drugs.” The Notice indicates that the Marketing Authorization Holders should establish traceability systems and collect the information from the traceability process to realise the traceability of special regulated drugs, such as selected drugs, before December 31st. At the meantime, the NMPA should establish a Coordination Platform of traceability systems, which provides coding rules of drug traceability codes and services that encode the IP-Adresse of traceability systems that are established by Marketing Authorization Holders to help to realise the information sharing between the different traceability systems.


来源医药网  2020.10.14


Coding rules for chinese traditional drugs

September 27th, 2020 | by

On September 25th, the NMPA issued the “Coding Rules of Chinese Traditional Drugs Included in the Reimbursement List and Pharmaceutical Preparations of Medical Institutions.” The code of Chinese traditional drugs consists of 10 digits and four sections. The first section represents Chinese traditional drugs. The second section represents different medical standards in different cities. The third section represents drug effects. The fourth section represents the name of drug. The code of pharmaceutical preparation of medical institutions consists of 16 digits and 4 sections. The first section represents pharmaceutical preparations. The second section represents different medical institutions in different cities. The third section represents medical institutions. The fourth section represents the sequence of pharmaceutical preparations in different medical institutions.


来源医药网  2020.09.27


The State Council: encouraging online drugs trade, prescription sharing and online medical consulting services

September 23rd, 2020 | by

On September 21st, the State Council issued the “Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Consumption Created by New Forms of Bussiness”. The “Opinion” stipulates that a public service platform of online and e-commerce services should be established and improved to accelerate the integration of online and offline services; online medical services should be developed, which means scheduled appointments of consulting services, online medical consulting services, prescription sharing and online drugs trade will be promoted.


来源:医药网  2020.09.23


Pharmacy chains can only rise the price of drug in the reimbursement list by 15%

September 3rd, 2020 | by

On September 1st, the “Reform Project on Improving the Functions of the Centralised Drug Procurement Platform and Promoting a Full Coverage of Payment Requirement of Drugs on the Reimbursement List in Zhejiang Province” was implemented. The “Project” indicates that drugs included in the list of online transactions on the provincal procurement platform of drugs and medical equipments are included in the provincal drug reimbursement list. Designated public medical institutions and private medical institutions should fix the drug price that accords with the price on the drug reimbursement list while  pharmacy chains can rise the price upto 15% based on the price on the list.

9月1日起执行医保用药 药店只能加价15%

来源医药网  2020.09.03


Prohibiting hospitals from designating drug delivery companies and pharmacies

July 8th, 2020 | by

On July 6th, the Health Commission of Gungxi and other seven departments jointly issued the “Notice on Strengthing the Medication Management in Medical Institutions to Promote Rational Use of Medicines”. The “Notice” clarifies that medical institutions supporting Prescription Sharing should establish a process and supervision system of Prescription Sharing and are prohibited from designating drug delivery companies and pharmacies to avoid monopolies organised by distribution companies and pharmacies; the shared prescriptions should be approved by medical institutions and included into the services of prescription management, supervision of medication, and guidance on rational use of medicines.

七部门:杜绝医药统方 严禁医院指定配送企业和药店

来源医药网  2020.07.08
