

Schlagwort: ‘Drug Waste’

Tianjin: awarding plaques to 112 retail pharmacies for expired drug disposal

April 17th, 2023 | by

The Market Supervision Administration of Jizhou District recently awarded plaques to 112 retail pharmacies in the district that are committed to public welfare, can effectively implement drug quality management standards, and have specialized personnel in charge of expired drug disposal. These pharmacies accept expired drugs at their collection points, where they document, keep, and dispose of them in a centralized manner. After counting them, the Supervision Bureau will dispose of them on a regular basis. At the same time, these pharmacies should encourage customers to clear out their household drug containers regularly in order to avoid expired drugs being returned to the market.

蓟州区市场监管局为 112家“过期药品回收点”药店挂牌

来源:天津市蓟州区人民政府  2023.04.17


Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group: demanding legislative regulation for household expired drugs

March 17th, 2023 | by

During the Two Sessions, Li Chuyuan, the NPC (National People’s Congress) deputy, secretary of the Party Committee, and Chairman of the Board of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group, stated that household expired drugs demand legislative regulation. On March 8th, the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group hosted online and offline activities to recycle expired drugs for free. During the online event, consumers can visit the group’s online shops on Tmall and JD and send their expired drugs to designated places after confirming this with the online shops’ customer service.  After receiving the expired drugs, consumers will receive discount coupons from online shops within three business days. The collected expired drugs will be sent to a specified location and disposed of.

In 2004, the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group created the world’s first “Household Expired Drug Recycling Mechanism,” which provides consumers with free replacement of household expired drugs over a long period of time. Over the last 20 years, the group has formed “No Expired Drug” alliances with numerous pharmacy chains, established recycling points in pharmacies and hospitals, and collaborated with Ali Health and Jingdong to create an online recycling mechanism, with activities spreading to over 200 cities nationwide, forming a nationwide drug recycling network.


2023.03.17  来源:搜狐网



Tianjin: implementing the 2022 “Month of Safe Drug Use” campaign in tandem with the campaign for the recall of expired drugs

December 9th, 2022 | by

The Tianjin Binhai Market Supervision Bureau, in collaboration with the People’s Pharmacy Company Ltd., implemented the 2022 “Month of Safe Drug Use” campaign on December 8. The program was carried out in the form of on-site teaching and explanation, as well as the distribution of brochures, especially for the elderly and other special groups, fulfilling the role of pharmacists. At the same time, it instructed the public to clean up expired drugs in their homes carefully and on time to avoid expired drugs damaging the environment or flowing back into the market illegally, so as to continually raise public awareness of environmental protection and safe use of drugs.


来源:新浪财经  2022.12.09


Tianjin: organizing the recycling of household expired drugs

October 11th, 2022 | by

In 2022, the Ninghe Distinct Market Supervision Bureau selected 50 rural pharmacies as household expired drug recycling centers to establish a household expired drug recycling network in 15 towns throughout the distirct. The Supervision Bureau made unified boxes for these expired drugs. They also developed a household expired drug recycling system and organize designated pharmacies to register, store and hand in expired drugs.


2022.10.11 来源:天津市宁河区市场管理监督局


Guangzhou: Launching the 2022 “Household Expired Drugs Recycling Campaign”

March 14th, 2022 | by

On March 13, Guangzhou hosted the 2022 “Household Expired Drugs Recycling Campaign.” Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Company Limited and Bank of China Guangzhou Liwan Sub-branch signed a strategic cooperation agreement at the event to investigate the combination of household expired drugs recycling and digital currency promotion. Citizens can give back their expired drugs and packages at special terminals operated by Jianmin Pharmacies in exchange for coupons or digital RMB. In the future, consumers will be able to spend their digital RMB at any of the retail stores.


来源:搜狐网  2022.03.14


Heze, Shandong: Promoting the recycling of household drug waste

October 29th, 2021 | by

On Oct 27th, Heze implemented a public education program on the recycling of household drug waste. The measure aims to/is intended to raise public awareness about drug safety, address the harm caused by drug waste, educate the public about safe drug use and household drug waste recycling, and arouse public interest in recycling household drug waste on their own initiative. Household drug waste recycling, safe drug use consultation, reporting complaints, and other services were set up at the activity site. Other 50 designated pharmacies promoted the recycling of household drug waste during the program.


来源:搜狐网  2021.10.29


Gansu Baiyin: promoting home expired drug recycling in communities

August 5th, 2021 | by

Recently, Baiyin Administration for Market Regulation organized a propagenda campaign in communities to promote home expired drug recycling. The officers place expired drugs recycling bins in communities to educate residents about the benefits of recycling expired drugs, rational methods for using and storing drugs, and the dangers of using and discarding expired drugs, while also advising residents to be cautious when disposing of household expired drugs and to raise awareness of healthcare issues.


来源甘肃省市场监督管理局  2021.08.05

日前, 白银市市场监督管理局组织开展居民家庭过期药品回收进社区宣传活动。执法人员在活动现场设置过期药品回收箱,向群众宣传回收过期药品的意义,让人民群众充分了解正确使用和合理储存药品的方法,以及使用过期药品、随意丢弃过期药品的危害,引导广大群众自觉规范清理家庭过期药品,提高健康保护意识。

New solution for home expired drug recycling

June 10th, 2021 | by

On June 9th, the first World Congress of Pharmaceutical Retailing announced a “Green Finance Public Service Program for Home Expired Drug Recycling”. The Program intends to establish a drug stock-to-sales supervision system. Based on this program, the Chinese firm Union Drug together with more than 100,000 Chinese pharmacies has built a platform using information technology tools such as artificial intelligence, GPS, and GIS to achieve a full life-cycle monitoring of home expired drugs in terms of collection, transport, storage, and disposal.

世界医药零售业大会开幕 家庭过期药品回收迎来解决新方案

来源:中国高新材料及高新技术  2021.06.10
