

Archive for March, 2022

IGOR – our in-house robot

March 30th, 2022 | by

We have further developed the concept of the in-house robot IGOR ( Now, different configurations of the robot with a different number of degrees of freedom are available. Each configuration also has a different type of wrist and arm. All models are controllable via Robot Operating System ROS.
Contact person:
Markus Schmitz

How construction site robots work on a wall

March 22nd, 2022 | by


The in-house developed robot has 7 degrees of freedom, which are realized exclusively via revolute joints. Due to the redundancy, the robot can also develop its full performance in narrow situations such as corridors or niches. The video on the left shows a vertical trajectory in which the robot works on a wall from the floor to a height of 2.50m. The video on the right shows the horizontal trajectory of a wall immediately in front of the robot.

More information about this project can be found on the IGMR Website.

Contact person:

Prof. Mathias Hüsing

Lösungen der Praktischen Übungen in Robotic Systems

March 15th, 2022 | by

Auch in diesem Jahr haben uns wieder kreative Lösungen für Problemstellungen aus dem Modul Robotic Systems erreicht. Die Studierenden konnten erste Erfahrungen bei der Programmierung eines Fanuc Roboters in Roboguide sammeln. Eine Umfangreiche Programmieraufgabe galt es weiterhin an der Fanuc Education Cell zu lösen. Auf Grund der Einschränkungen der Präsenzveranstaltungen mussten alle Lösungen virtuell in Roboguide gelöst werden. Im nächsten Winter wird dann wieder am realen Roboter erprobt.



Mathias Hüsing

Markus Schmitz

Daniel Gossen