

Kategorie: ‘Greiferentwicklung’

Rapid Prototyping in the development of robot hardware

April 29th, 2024 | by

As part of the RobWeld project, new wrists and gripping mechanisms were developed for the PARAGRIP developed and built at IGMR.Through iterative design processes using rapid prototyping in 3D printing, we have perfected functionalities, ease of assembly and the manufacturability of components. The result? An elaborate design that combines steel and aluminum components.In the next step, the design can now be extensively tested before it is used on the robot.

You can find more information about the RobWeld project here.

Contact person:
Jan Wiartalla

Integrated AI task planning and screw recognition in a production scenario

May 25th, 2022 | by

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The video is also available on our YouTube channel.

Daniel Gossen

Task Planning for AI in an Office Scenario with Mobile Manipulators

May 20th, 2022 | by

IGMR Seminar 01. Februar 2021 14:30 Uhr: Veronika Zumpe, Kuka AG

January 27th, 2021 | by

Wir begrüßen Frau Veronika Zumpe von Kuka zum IGMR Seminar. Auch dieser Veranstaltung wird weiterhin virtuell durchgeführt:

How to design a robot. A perspective from corporate research.

For specific handling tasks, there is a need for the development of new robotic systems. It is necessary to develop and design the system with respect to the given task, environment and other constraints. The design process includes finding a suitable kinematic, developing drive concepts for the robot axes, designing the structural parts and finalizing the robot design. For applications with human robot collaboration, more aspects like lightweight design play a significant role and thus should be taken into account. This talk gives a rough overview of the design process of a robot from my corporate research perspective.

Montag, 01. Februar 2021 14:30 Uhr in Zoom

Meeting-ID: 984 5489 5570

Kenncode: 186393

Die Datenschutzhinweise zur Nutzung von Zoom und eine Handreichung für Teilnehmer (Studierende) können von den Seiten des CLS der RWTH Aachen University heruntergeladen werden.


Die Veranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2020/2021 werden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem VDI-GPP-Arbeitskreis des Bezirksvereins Aachen durchgeführt.



Markus Schmitz

Prof. Burkhard Corves