One of the key factors in working with robots at the IGMR is not only the theoretical consideration, calculation and optimisation of movement or mechanics, but in particular the practical work and handling of the systems, as well as the various programming tasks. The FANUC Education Cell is at the heart of this practical teaching, and is also an integral part of the Robotic Systems lecture and robotics courses at the International Academy. In addition to the lectures, the IGMR, represented by Carlo Weidemann, winner of the FANUC Olympiad 2020, also offers internal user courses for employees and gives them the opportunity to work independently on the cell.
Are you a student at the RWTH and interested in working with robots such as the FANUC LR Mate 200iD 4S or carrying out projects? Perhaps you have a concrete idea for a thesis involving the robot? Then please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
Carlo Weidemann
Sophie Charlotte Keunecke