

Schlagwort: ‘Dynamik’

Cross section group: Application Dynamics

January 13th, 2023 | by


The Application Dynamics team is made up of members from all IGMR research areas. This allows the skills in vibration analysis and machine dynamics to be optimally combined with the expertise and many years of experience in power transmission and robotics. This fusion of the Institute’s internal research priorities enables solutions to be found to problems that require both technical knowledge of dynamics and application-specific expertise. This cross section of knowledge is applied, for example, in the form of a needs-based investigation and exploitation of the dynamic effects of a system. The focus is on applications in robotics and gearing, but also covers all types of mechanical motion systems. The current research horizon ranges from kinematic redundancy and high-speed trajectories to the use of neural networks to extend the workspace through innovative object manipulation.

Contact: Johannes Bolk