Kategorie: ‘Automated Task Planning’
Automated robotic dismantling/disassembly – screw detection and removal for electric vehicle recycling
Fully automatic disassembly with precision!
Our new robotic system is revolutionizing the disassembly of electric car batteries. Using the Neura Lara 8 robot and the latest image processing technologies, we recognize screws fully automatically and position the robot precisely to remove them safely.
Thanks to the integration of YOLOv8 and Intel RealSense depth cameras, the system can locate screws in real time and position them optimally on its own. No manual intervention necessary – the system works completely autonomously!
Our goal: to make the recycling process safer, faster and more efficient. Fewer risks for workers and maximizing the recovery of raw materials at the same time. This is the future of the circular economy!
You can find more information about #dimonta here.
Markus Schmitz
Daniel Gossen
Frohe Weihnachten und frohes neues Jahr!
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Wir wünschen euch eine schöne Weihnachtszeit und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! Bleibt gesund 💙 #merrychristmas #happynewyear
AI task scheduling explained
Artificial Intelligence task scheduling explained using an industry scenario.
The Automated Task Planning is intended to support the use of robots in flexible environments.
Traditional robot programming as a sub-area of work preparation processes poses great challenges to individual productions with small quantities. Automated Task Planning promises to address the problems.
In the video, in addition to the introduction and classification of Automated Task Planning, the steps required for its implementation and the benefits that result from its use are presented.
The concept was validated during research at IGMR using a simulation, which is used in the examples in the video.
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