

Innovations in textile technology: The DFG project SonicFibre

November 21st, 2024 | by

As part of our joint project at the Institute of Applied Mechanics (IAM) and @Institute of Textile Technology (ITA), we are working on an exciting development: the production of nonwovens with optimized efficiency.
💡 The challenge: During needling, a central process step, the fibers are entangled by mechanical movement in order to produce a stable nonwoven from a loose fiber bundle. This creates high frictional forces – a problem that leads to wear on the machine parts.
🔊 Our solution: We optimize the friction between the fibres through the targeted excitation of high-frequency vibrations in the ultrasonic range. Our focus is on stimulating a perforated plate in the ultrasonic range in such a way that a suitable vibration pattern is generated – and thus making the process more efficient and gentle.

You can find more information about the project here.

Johanens Bolk

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