

Schlagwort: ‘Mobile Robotik’

Semi-Automated Tile-Laying Aid

May 7th, 2024 | by
Simulation einer teilautomatisierten, robotischen Fliesenlegehilfe

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As part of the ErgoFli project, an innovative system is being developed in collaboration with project partners to help tile layers make their work more ergonomic and efficient.

In the video you can see how the system works in the Gazebo simulation environment. The robot automatically removes tiles from a magazine and matches them perfectly to the tiles already laid. With automatic processes, several tiles can be laid in succession to optimize the work process.

Our aim is to create a tool that not only reduces the workload for tilers, but also improves their working environment. We are excited about the progress and look forward to sharing more insights with you soon!

Find out more about the project here.

Contact person:
Mark Witte
Jan Wiartalla

Cross section group: Application Dynamics

January 13th, 2023 | by


The Application Dynamics team is made up of members from all IGMR research areas. This allows the skills in vibration analysis and machine dynamics to be optimally combined with the expertise and many years of experience in power transmission and robotics. This fusion of the Institute’s internal research priorities enables solutions to be found to problems that require both technical knowledge of dynamics and application-specific expertise. This cross section of knowledge is applied, for example, in the form of a needs-based investigation and exploitation of the dynamic effects of a system. The focus is on applications in robotics and gearing, but also covers all types of mechanical motion systems. The current research horizon ranges from kinematic redundancy and high-speed trajectories to the use of neural networks to extend the workspace through innovative object manipulation.

Contact: Johannes Bolk

Participation at European Robotics Forum (ERF) Hackathon 2022

July 19th, 2022 | by

As part of the European Robotics Forum (ERF) Hackathon 2022, six IGMR students demonstrated their talent in prototyping and working with robots. The hackathon challenge was set by Lely, among others. Their Juno mobile robots are autonomous cylindrical platforms whose main task is to move the fencing around cows on farms to make the feed pushed into the space accessible again. The hackathon task was similar: two Juno robots had to move along the walls of two interconnected rooms at a given distance. Additional restrictions and challenges were added for extra points. The team was successful at the hackathon in Rotterdam. After a neck-and-neck race, the first place went to TU Delft. At the award ceremony, we were praised as the most cooperative team for our constant support of other teams in design and 3D printing. This exemplary behaviour is much appreciated and we look forward to taking part again next year.

Special praise goes to our students Sebastian Polzin, Frederik van Kerkom, Jonas Braun, Oleksander Kutovyi, Ali Berger and Yannik Freischlad for their efforts. We congratulate TU Delft on their well-deserved victory and are happy to have won many new friends and valuable contacts. We thank the institute management for the opportunity to participate and look forward to next year.


Daniel Gossen

Radar leg tracker presented at European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

September 6th, 2021 | by

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For the collaborative use of robots in firefighting operations, it is of high importance to know the exact position of the squad members at any time. For this purpose, radar-based leg trackers are being researched at IGMR. Radar is particularly suitable for firefighting operations because it is not affected by the usual sources of interference, such as smoke or dust. The current status of the radar leg tracker was last presented at the European Signal Processing Conference (EUIPCO) 2021.


Prof. Mathias Hüsing



New chain-driven mobile robot at IGMR

August 30th, 2021 | by

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A new mobile robot has been acquired at IGMR as part of research into firefighting and outdoor applications. The Jaguar V2 is rainproof and can climb over obstacles and stairs thanks to its chain drive and flipper mechanisms. A first test can be seen in the video.


Prof. Mathias Hüsing

„Introducing a Modular Framework for Human Tracking with Inhomogeneous Sensor Systems“ at MESROB 2021

June 14th, 2021 | by

The Medical and Service Robotics Conference (MESROB) took place recently. Nils Mandischer presented the “Robot Companion” project and gave an introduction to the tracking process with different inhomogeneous sensor types. The idea behind Robot Companion is to provide robots as companions for firefighters in indoor operations to facilitate operations and reduce risks. You can now watch the presentation here on the blog or on YouTube:

Der an dieser Stelle eingebundene Inhalt führt Sie auf Seiten, die von der von Google betriebenen Seite YouTube - YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA - zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Mit dem Aufruf des Inhalts kann YouTube Ihre IP-Adresse und die Sprache des Systems, sowie verschiedene browserspezifische Angaben ermitteln. Wenn Sie in Ihrem YouTube-Account eingeloggt sind, ermöglichen Sie YouTube, Ihr Surfverhalten direkt Ihrem persönlichen Profil zuzuordnen. Dies können Sie verhindern, indem Sie sich aus Ihrem YouTube-Account ausloggen. YouTube verwendet Cookies und Tracking-Tools. Die Datenverarbeitungsvorgänge sowie die Zwecke der Verarbeitung können direkt bei YouTube erfragt und eingesehen werden.


Prof. Mathias Hüsing

IGMR Seminar 26.01.2021: Robert Grafe, Deutsches Rettungsrobotik-Zentrum e.V.

January 22nd, 2021 | by

Unbemannte Systeme in der Gefahrenabwehr, der Aufbau des Deutsches Rettungsrobotik-Zentrums.


Wir begrüßen Herrn Grafe vom DRZ zum IGMR Seminar. Auch dieser Veranstaltung wird weiterhin virtuell durchgeführt:

Unbemannte Systeme in der Gefahrenabwehr, der Aufbau des Deutsches Rettungsrobotik-Zentrums Die Nutzung unbemannter, bodengebundener Systeme bietet großes Potential, Einsatzkräfte von Hilfsorganisationen und Feuerwehren bei besonders gefährlichen oder zeitraubenden Einsätzen zu unterstützen. Auf Grund der anspruchsvollen Aufgaben und Szenarien ist der Sprung von der Forschung in die reale Nutzung jedoch bisher nur vereinzelt geglückt. Der Vortrag stellt diesen Stand von Forschung und Entwicklung dar und beschreibt den Ansatz, welcher mit der Gründung des Deutschen Rettungsrobotik-Zentrums beschritten wird, um die Realisierung von praxis-/ und produktnahen Lösungen zu fördern.


Dienstag, 26. Januar 2021 16:30 Uhr in Zoom

Zoom Meeting Informationen:

Meeting-ID: 984 5489 5570

Kenncode: 186393

Die Datenschutzhinweise zur Nutzung von Zoom und eine Handreichung für Teilnehmer (Studierende) können von den Seiten des CLS der RWTH Aachen University heruntergeladen werden.

Die Veranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2020/2021 werden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem VDI-GPP-Arbeitskreis des Bezirksvereins Aachen durchgeführt.


Weitere Informationen können auch dem Blog-Beitrag IGMR als Mitglied des Deutsches Rettungsrobotikzentrum e.V entnommen werden.



Markus Schmitz

Prof. Burkhard Corves

IGMR as a member of the German Rescue Robotics Centre e.V.

December 4th, 2020 | by

Since this year, the IGMR is a full member of the “Deutsches Rettungsrobotikzentrum e.V.”. This competence centre, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), works together with partners from the public sector, research and users on research into robotics in the fields of firefighting, police work and civil protection. Work on the first section of the test site in Dortmund has recently been completed. The attached videos of the “Deutsches Rettungsrobotikzentrum e.V.” give a first impression.





A-DRZ - Aufzeichnung des Live-Streams zum Meilensteintreffen

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Prof. Mathias Hüsing

IGMR Seminar: Dr. Michael Cashmore – Plan-Based Robot Control in Real-Time

November 29th, 2020 | by

Plan-Based Robot Control in Real-Time


Mit dem Vortrag von Dr. Miachel Cashmore von der University of Strathclyde startet die virtuelle IGMR Vortragsreihe im Wintersemester 20/21. Wir freuen uns auf einen Einblick in ROSPlan und Plan-Based Robot Control in Real-Time.

Mittwoch, 2. Dezember 2020 16:30 Uhr in Zoom
Zoom Meeting Informationen:
Meeting-ID: 984 5489 5570, Kenncode: 186393

Die Datenschutzhinweise zur Nutzung von Zoom und eine Handreichung für Teilnehmer (Studierende) können von den Seiten des CLS der RWTH Aachen University heruntergeladen werden.

The topic of the seminar will focus on the numerous temporal and numeric challenges that arise in plan execution. If a plan is produced with some flexibility, how it can be executed? In this context the properties of temporal controllability, robustness envelopes, replanning in-situ, and planning concurrently to execution, deliberation in a system of distributed components, in which your actions can affect other parts of a larger system will be discussed.

Die Veranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2020/2021 werden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem VDI-GPP-Arbeitskreis des Bezirksvereins Aachen durchgeführt.

Robot Companion: A mobile helper in case of need

October 2nd, 2020 | by

Robot Companion is a framework to implement robot tracking systems in a simple and cost-saving way. For this purpose, IGMR develops methods for tracking with different sensors (laser, radar, camera), agile path planning and actuation.

The current objective of Robot Companion is to provide a robot for emergency rescue. In doing so, the robot will autonomously follow first responders and enable the transport of materials and equipment, as well as the removal of debris and casualties. A first path to this vision was implemented with the basic module. The basic module has methods for tracking with a camera and laser, and enables autonomous tracking of an operator.

The video shows the tracks of the vertical and horizontal trackers, as well as the state of detection (top right). In a tracking test, 100% accuracy was achieved at low speeds.

Project website:


Nils Mandischer