November 28th, 2024 | by
Jansen, Christina

Prof. Hüsing gave a presentation on “Efficient Kinematics Development for Door and Closure Systems”. In addition, the 160 conference participants were able to see for themselves the efficient design of motion devices using the “Mechanism Developer” (MechDev) program.
To thank Prof. Hüsing for his presentation, a tree was planted on behalf of the conference organizer Automotive Circle.
Mathias Hüsing
Kategorie: Allgemein, Bewegungsplanung
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November 21st, 2024 | by
Jansen, Christina

As part of our joint project at the Institute of Applied Mechanics (IAM) and @Institute of Textile Technology (ITA), we are working on an exciting development: the production of nonwovens with optimized efficiency.
The challenge: During needling, a central process step, the fibers are entangled by mechanical movement in order to produce a stable nonwoven from a loose fiber bundle. This creates high frictional forces – a problem that leads to wear on the machine parts.
Our solution: We optimize the friction between the fibres through the targeted excitation of high-frequency vibrations in the ultrasonic range. Our focus is on stimulating a perforated plate in the ultrasonic range in such a way that a suitable vibration pattern is generated – and thus making the process more efficient and gentle.
You can find more information about the project here.
Johanens Bolk
Kategorie: Industrie, Industrie 4.0, Zukunft der Arbeit
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November 7th, 2024 | by
Jansen, Christina
Fully automatic disassembly with precision!
Our new robotic system is revolutionizing the disassembly of electric car batteries. Using the Neura Lara 8 robot and the latest image processing technologies, we recognize screws fully automatically and position the robot precisely to remove them safely.
Thanks to the integration of YOLOv8 and Intel RealSense depth cameras, the system can locate screws in real time and position them optimally on its own. No manual intervention necessary – the system works completely autonomously!
Our goal: to make the recycling process safer, faster and more efficient. Fewer risks for workers and maximizing the recovery of raw materials at the same time. This is the future of the circular economy!
You can find more information about #dimonta here.
Markus Schmitz
Daniel Gossen
Kategorie: AI Task Planning, Algorithmen, Automated Task Planning, dimonta, Industrial Robotics, Industrial Scenario, Industrie, Industrie 4.0, industrielle Robotik, KI, KI Aufgabenplanung, KI Objekterkennung, künstliche Intelligenz, Objekterkennung, Roboter, Roboterprogrammierung, Robotic Systems, Robotik, ROS, Sensor
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October 31st, 2024 | by
Jansen, Christina
At the ASME IDETC-CIE conference in Washington, DC, we had the opportunity to present the prototype of the “3D Capsule Compliant Gripper”. This novel surgical manipulation tool was specifically designed to make lymph node isolation even more precise and gentle.
Our approach: a capsule-like structure with flexible, shape-optimized elements that have been tailored using a hill-climbing mutation algorithm. The white “petals” of the prototype were 3D printed from PLA, the red flexible components from TPU. Thanks to the cost-effective production at our institute, we were able to create the first efficient solution on a macro scale, which serves as a proof of concept.
Contact: Estefania Hermoza Llanos
Kategorie: IGMR, Industrie 4.0, industrielle Robotik, Roboter, Roboter unterstützter Patiententransport, Roboterprogrammierung, Robotik
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October 1st, 2024 | by
Ruland, Stefan Wolfgang
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In this video, Prof. Mathias Hüsing of the Institute of Mechanism Theory, Machine Dynamics and Robotics at RWTH Aachen University explains simple teaching options for collaborative robots, or CoBots for short, to support disabled and limited persons at work in the context of human-robot collaboration.
Robotics enables inclusion.
More Information about the IIDEA Project can be found at the project website
Kategorie: Cobot, IGMR, Industrie, Inklusion, inklusive Arbeit, Inklusive Arbeitsplätze, Kollaboration, kollaborierenden Roboter, Mensch-Maschine-Kollaboration, Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration, Roboter
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August 20th, 2024 | by
Jansen, Christina
We are pleased to announce that we have successfully completed our DFG-funded project in cooperation with the Institute of Welding and Joining Technology RWTH Aachen University on multidirectional additive manufacturing with the plasma welding process!
Highlights of the project:
– Process control through unified process monitoring and control in ROS: Thanks to the use of the Robot Operating System (ROS), we were able to realize high-precision process monitoring and control. This ensures optimum process reliability and repeat accuracy.
– Multidirectional trajectory planning: By developing and implementing our path and trajectory planning, we have succeeded in enabling complex welding movements for production. This increases the flexibility and variety of possible applications within additive manufacturing.
– Stable deposition possible even on inclines thanks to workpiece handling: Our solution for workpiece handling makes it possible to achieve stable layer deposition even on inclined surfaces. This expands the areas of application and significantly improves the quality of the manufactured parts.
A big thank you to the entire team for the outstanding collaboration and to the German Research Foundation (DFG) for supporting this groundbreaking project. We are looking forward to the future developments and applications of our research results in industry!
You can find the list of our publications here.
Contact person:
Markus Schmitz
Jan Wiartalla
Kategorie: Allgemein
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May 8th, 2024 | by
Jansen, Christina

An exciting day at the BIH Working Committee of the Technical Advisory Services in Dortmund!
We had the great opportunity to present our project to the integration and inclusion offices from all of Germany’s federal states.
Prof. Hüsing gave an exciting presentation on the opportunities offered by collaborative robotics in the context of inclusion.
He also presented the IIDEA project, which now provides technical advisory services with the support they need to educate companies about collaborative robotics. We support this with the IIDEA Infomobile and hands-on procedures).
In addition, Carlo was able to offer the participants an insight into the programming of collaborative robots in order to give them a deeper understanding of the possible applications and their implementation.
It was interesting to meet the department heads of the technical advisory services from 16 federal states in person. Almost all federal states were represented – proof of the interest and relevance of the topic. A big thank you to all participants for their commitment and enthusiasm for the future of inclusive robotics!
contact person:
Mathias Hüsing
Carlo Weidemann
Elodie Hüsing
Sophie-Charlotte Keunecke
Christina Jansen
Kategorie: Allgemein
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May 7th, 2024 | by
Jansen, Christina
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As part of the ErgoFli project, an innovative system is being developed in collaboration with project partners to help tile layers make their work more ergonomic and efficient.
In the video you can see how the system works in the Gazebo simulation environment. The robot automatically removes tiles from a magazine and matches them perfectly to the tiles already laid. With automatic processes, several tiles can be laid in succession to optimize the work process.
Our aim is to create a tool that not only reduces the workload for tilers, but also improves their working environment. We are excited about the progress and look forward to sharing more insights with you soon!
Find out more about the project here.
Contact person:
Mark Witte
Jan Wiartalla
Kategorie: Allgemein, C++, Digital Shadow, Entwicklung und Konstruktion, Lokalisierung, Mobile Robotics, Mobile Robotik, Planung, Prototypenbau, Python, Roboterprogrammierung, ROS, Simulationen, SPS, Virtuelle Inbetriebnahme, Zukunft der Arbeit
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