

Kategorie: ‘Allgemein’

Situational adaptive movement prediction for firefighting squads in indoor attack

July 6th, 2023 | by

We presented our paper “Situational Adaptive Motion Prediction for Firefighting Squads in Indoor Search and Rescue” at ICRA in the Long-Term Human Motion Prediction workshop.

Firefighting is a complex but poorly automated task. To minimize ergonomic and safety risks for firefighters, robots could be used in a collaborative approach. To enable human-robot teams in firefighting, important fundamentals are still missing. Among other things, the robot must predict human movement because occlusions are ubiquitous. In this work, we propose a novel motion prediction method for firefighting squads in indoor attack. Squad paths are generated using an optimal graph-based planning approach that represents firefighter tactics. Paths are generated on a per-room basis, allowing dynamic local adaptation of paths without global replanning. The movement of individual agents is simulated using a modification of the Headed Social Force Model. We evaluate the feasibility of the pipeline using a novel dataset generated from real footage and show its computational efficiency.

Contact: Elodie Hüsing


Developments with Trapo GmbH

June 2nd, 2023 | by

The IGMR – RWTH Aachen supports Trapo GmbH in the further development and integration of trajectory planning and trajectory execution algorithms for the new Trapo Loading System robot. Compared to the old TLS, the navigation of the new TLS is realized with the MoveBase Framework of the Robot Operating System (ROS). For this purpose, together with Trapo GmbH, we have created a special configuration for car-like structure for the local MoveBase Planner. The new TLS was last presented at the LogiMat trade fair.

Daniel Gossen


Project launch IIDEA – Inclusion and integration through cobots on the labor market

April 28th, 2023 | by

In April, the innovative project “IIDEA – Inclusion and integration through cobots in the first labor market” was launched, which aims to empower the inclusion and integration of severely disabled people in the first labor market through collaborative robotics.

The deployment of cobots makes it possible to create new jobs and forms of work that satisfy the individual needs of severely disabled people. These new forms of work are not being established on the margins but at the heart of digitization and Industry 4.0.

In a rapidly changing world, we must focus on the needs of all people and ensure that everyone can reach their full potential. The IIDEA project is an important step towards an inclusive and inclusive society and economy.

For more information about the project, please visit the project profile. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our staff:

Prof. Mathias Hüsing
Carlo Weidemann
Sophie-Charlotte Keunecke
Elodie Hüsing
Christina Jansen

Automatic Robot-Guided Form Scan and Coating

September 20th, 2022 | by


In this project, the forms are detected and their edges are realized by a laser scanner mounted on the end effector of the robot. The collected data are synchronized and filtered, and a suitable trajectory is created for coating the inner surface of the forms. Several variables, such as the speed of the nozzle, distances and gaps, the size of the nozzle and the outlier for a homogeneous coating can be selected during the trajectory planning.


The project was initiated with the motivation to increase flexibility in scanning and coating various molds.


In the context of this project, synchronization is required between three systems

The sensor software, which is responsible for the acquisition of the data (synchronized with movement of the robot).

The program, which is responsible for post-processing the data and calculating the trajectories for the robot.

The Robot control system, which receives the information of the trajectory and executes it immediately.


International Partners in Glass Research (IPGR) e.V.

Contact: Markus Schmitz

Watch the video on our Youtube Channel: here.

Music: Corbyn Kites – Blurry Vision

The IGMR visits the Automatica in Munich

July 27th, 2022 | by

After a long, involuntary break, IGMR was able to visit Automatica in Munich for the first time again. Together Jan Wiartalla, Amir Shahidi and Sophie Charlotte Keunecke explored various innovations and presentations and had many interesting conversations. In addition, some final year students of RWTH and IGMR presented their extremely interesting projects at Automatica and offered an exclusive view even beyond the exhibited possibilities.

On the last day of the fair, June 24. 2022, Sophie Charlotte Keunecke represented IGMR at a panel discussion on “Automation and robotics: what drives the new generation?” at the Automatica Forum. You can find the video here on the Youtube channel of Automatica.


Sophie Charlotte Keunecke
Jan Wiartalla



Transformation of workplaces by human-robot collaboration (HRC) at Ford

April 27th, 2022 | by

Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mensch und Roboter

Since April 2021, employees with disabilities have been working successfully with a collaborative robot at the production line of Ford engine plant in cologne. The robot takes over the unergonomic pressing of the VCT solenoids into the engine cover and the employee installs the screws. During this process, humans and robots work simultaneously in the same workspace. The key findings and results of the project are summarized in the strategy paper.

Further information on the project can be found here.


Carlo Weidemann



How construction site robots work on a wall

March 22nd, 2022 | by


The in-house developed robot has 7 degrees of freedom, which are realized exclusively via revolute joints. Due to the redundancy, the robot can also develop its full performance in narrow situations such as corridors or niches. The video on the left shows a vertical trajectory in which the robot works on a wall from the floor to a height of 2.50m. The video on the right shows the horizontal trajectory of a wall immediately in front of the robot.

More information about this project can be found on the IGMR Website.

Contact person:

Prof. Mathias Hüsing

Lösungen der Praktischen Übungen in Robotic Systems

March 15th, 2022 | by

Auch in diesem Jahr haben uns wieder kreative Lösungen für Problemstellungen aus dem Modul Robotic Systems erreicht. Die Studierenden konnten erste Erfahrungen bei der Programmierung eines Fanuc Roboters in Roboguide sammeln. Eine Umfangreiche Programmieraufgabe galt es weiterhin an der Fanuc Education Cell zu lösen. Auf Grund der Einschränkungen der Präsenzveranstaltungen mussten alle Lösungen virtuell in Roboguide gelöst werden. Im nächsten Winter wird dann wieder am realen Roboter erprobt.



Mathias Hüsing

Markus Schmitz

Daniel Gossen



Herzlich Willkommen am IGMR!

January 24th, 2022 | by
Herzlich Willkommen am IGMR!

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PeTRA – Einsatz von Mock-Ups bei den Praxispartnern

May 25th, 2021 | by

Petra-Plattform zum Rollstuhltransport

Das übergeordnete Ziel von PeTRA (Personen-Transfer Roboter-Assistent) ist die Erschaffung einer robotischen Unterstützungslösung in der Patientenlogistik zur Entlastung des Pflegefachpersonals.
Das IGMR übernimmt im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens unter anderem die Entwicklung und Inbetriebnahme einer Kopplungseinheit für das Koppeln des Basisfahrzeugs an Rollstühlen mit dem Ziel, diese mitsamt Patienten sicher transportieren zu können.

In der Woche vom 03. bis 06. Mai 2021 fanden erste Anwendungserprobungen des Robotersystems „PeTRA“ bei den jeweiligen Praxispartnern, Universitätsklinikum Augsburg, Barmherzige Brüder München und Martha-Maria Nürnberg, statt. Für die erste Anwendungserprobung in den Krankenhäusern haben wir in Zusammenarbeit mit KUKA ein Mock-Up des Robotersystems „PeTRA“ erstellt. Unter einem Mock-Up wird ein vereinfachtes Modell, verstanden mit welchem die Funktionen und Maße des späteren Demonstrators getestet werden kann. Das Pflegefachpersonal bekam die Möglichkeit das Mock-Up auszutesten und sich gleichzeitig in die Lage eines Patienten zu versetzen. Für die Erläuterung und technische Fragen standen wir und KUKA bereit. Weiterhin wurde das Feedback des Pflegefachpersonals durch Beobachtungen und Interviews seitens KUKA und IREM festgehalten. Das Robotersystem bzw. das Projekt stoß bei dem Pflegefachpersonal aller Praxispartner auf reges Interesse und es konnten um die 50 Interviews geführt werden. Insgesamt hat sich gezeigt, dass wir mit unserem Robotersystem in die richtige Richtung gehen. Wir konnten über die Erprobungen das Pflegefachpersonal weiterführend in den Konstruktionsprozess des Robotersystems bzw. der Koppeleinheit miteinbeziehen.


Weitere Informationen zum Projekt können den Internetseiten des Projektes und des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung entnommen werden.



Elodie Hüsing

Agnes Beckermann