

Kategorie: ‘Task Planning’

A multi-layered task sequencing approach

August 22nd, 2022 | by

Cobots are highly sought by manufacturing companies in contrast to fully automated production lines, as they provide the additional benefit of flexible operations. A major hurdle with current collaborative setups is tedious setup times for efficient and robust co-working as well as poor support for random interruptions.

This project focuses on enabling autonomous collaborative operations for serial manipulators where interruptions from human agents occur at random while ensuring minimal setup times. To this end, two primary aspects that impact task execution are addressed, namely execution time and co-working as enumerated below:

  1. A method is developed to minimise the total distance travelled, by following the most optimal sequence for the given task while retaining online operational capabilities
  2. A real-time replanning and co-working algorithm for randomly interruptive environments is developed and implemented to ensure continued operation even when regions of the workspace are occluded while guaranteeing safety of the human agents in the workspace. The co-working controller operates fully autonomously.

An example of the working of the deployed on a prototype platform consisting of a collaborative UR10e arm, a stereo camera for static environment mapping and a laser scanner for mapping of dynamic obstacles is shown in the video.

Contact: Daniel Gossen

music: madiRFAN – Both of Us (

Watch the video on our Youtube channel: here.


AI task planning in the EU project Sharework

November 15th, 2021 | by

Automated task scheduling used in the EU-Projekt Sharework.

A new IGMR blog entry has been published on the website of the EU-Projekt Sharework. It presents the challenges of task planning for mixed teams of humans and robots, as well as our solution to them. Automated task planning and a modified version of the framework ROSPlan are used for this purpose. You can find more detail in the text and in the linked video of the blog post.


Contact person:
Prof. Mathias Hüsing

IGMR-Seminar 11.05.2021, 16:00 – 17:00 Uhr: Task Planning, Environment Representation and Reasoning in Agricultural and Industrial Robotics

May 5th, 2021 | by

Wir freuen uns Oscar Lima vom DFKI (Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz) aus Osnabrück als Vortragender beim nächsten Termin der IGMR Vortragsreihe im Sommersemester 21 zu haben. Der Titel seines Vortrags lautet Task Planning, Environment Representation and Reasoning in Agricultural and Industrial Robotics.

The focus of the talk will be on DFKI Osnabrück projects. Most of our work is related to agricultural robotics, perception, environment representation, reasoning and task planning. We start the talk with the concept of precision farming, how robots can assist there, to then look into route planning, environment representation, and some of its applications in navigation and expert systems. At the end of the talk we will finish with projects that are related with industry 4.0 and one which aims to provide a generic tool for AI planning in Europe. The talk is light and conceptual, I hope to catch your attention with interesting and new ideas!


Zoom Meeting Informationen:

11.05.2021, 16:00 – 17:00 Uhr

Meeting-ID: 957 9855 7131

Kenncode: 917617

Die Datenschutzhinweise zur Nutzung von Zoom und eine Handreichung für Teilnehmer (Studierende) können von den Seiten des CLS der RWTH Aachen University heruntergeladen werden.


Die Veranstaltungen werden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem VDI-GPP-Arbeitskreis des Bezirksvereins Aachen durchgeführt.