

Kategorie: ‘ROS’

WAAM simulation with ROS in Gazebo

June 26th, 2020 | by

Vincent Brünjes designed a Gazebo plug-in in his master‘s thesis to simulate multidirectional wire+arc additive manufacturing processes.



Vincent Brünjes

Markus Schmitz

Execution of the planned actions in CoppeliaSim

June 19th, 2020 | by

Implementation of ROS Action Interfaces to connect the AI task planning framework ROSPlan with the simulation software CoppeliaSim

Contact person:

Stefan Bezrucav

Task planning in industrial scenario

June 19th, 2020 | by

PDDL modeling, ROSPlan and Gazebo simulations are used to improve automatic scheduling algorithms for scenarios with collaborating actors.

Contact person:

Stefan Bezrucav

Realistic simulations in Gazebo

June 19th, 2020 | by

At IGMR we develop complex simulation environments. Textures make them visually more realistic in simulation program Gazebo!

Contact person:

Stefan Bezrucav